Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Challenges Faced by Hr Management Essay

Challenges faced by HR management when significant staff cutbacks occur and how they should be addressed Downsizing is never easy on the Human Resource department. In fact, if not handled properly, it could be detrimental to the overall organization. Here are some challenges that come along with downsizing: Addressing the shifting morale and needs of the surviving employees, maintaining the productivity and profitability of the organization, and retaining skilled, and qualified employees. Staff cutbacks can leave the surviving employees feeling demoralized, bitter, angry, and in shock. One role of Human Resource Management is to act as an employee advocate. In a time of workforce reduction, communicating with employees as well as acknowledging their concerns and fears, can work to rebuild the employee’s sense of security in the workplace and help him/her to reengage in the culture of the organization. Through strategic Human Resource Management and planning, the shared values and beliefs of the organization can be reinforced to its employees and the collective value of the capabilities, knowledge, skills, life experiences, and motivation of the organizational workforce can be retained. Once there has been a major reduction in force within an organization, productivity and profitability becomes a main target of Human Resource management. One HR strategy would be to give more hours and responsibility to existing workers. However, eventually employees will become overworked and productivity will suffer. Utilizing alternative tactics such as hiring contingent or temporary workers is a strategic HR plan to maintain productivity and profitability while not having to pay the cost of benefits. Reducing turnover of qualified and skilled employees is an ongoing effort of Human Resource Management. Employees who survive workforce cuts tend to disengage the culture of the organization because they have lost faith in the organization being a lifetime employer. When an organization goes through a massive layoff process, the employee retention efforts of Human Resource Management could intensify. Employee retention efforts may include, constantly communicating with employees, and paying attention to surviving employees. As an example of a strategic Human Resource plan to hold on to skilled employees, an alternative work arrangement such as telecommuting might be offered to a worker. The functionality of Human Resources is always changing to meet the ever evolving needs of an organization. For example, when Xerox decided to downsize, the function of Human Resources became environmental scanning strategic planning. The restructuring goal however, included more than just a reduction in force. It was determined that the Human Resource entity needed to be streamlined and become a more efficient part of the organization. As a result, the use of technology, and maintaining employee retention was the core that developed HR into a more strategic part of the Xerox organization. There are two purposes that HR technology serves in an organization. The first is to improve the efficiency of employee data and HR activities collection. At Xerox, the use of HR technology has been instrumental in making HR services more accessible to their workforce. The second purpose of HR technology is to capture a greater degree of informational data that enables HR planning and managerial decision making. Again, Xerox made use of this aspect by supplying intranet employee surveys and tracking employee views on the company and HR. The information gathered allowed HR and managers to address areas that received lower scores on the survey. These efforts by the company and the HR department have had an effect on employee retention at Xerox. As stated earlier, reducing turnover of qualified and skilled employees is an ongoing effort of Human Resource Management. Xerox has made retaining especially high-potential employees a priority. Organizations have found that keeping good employees can be a challenge. However, in an effort to keep skilled and or high performing employees engaged and embracing the organizational culture and HR values of an organization, some employers will offer incentives. Employers, such as Xerox, will invest in employee training and development. Although this can be a double edge sword by potentially making an employee more marketable for other organizations, employers have found that when they invest in employees through job training and or monetary compensation, employee job satisfaction increases and employees are more likely to stay. In addition, employees who are engaged in an organization are more likely to be top performers and miss fewer work days. In summation, both technology and employee retention are key in HR development because they both lend to the culture of an organization. 1. Technology by improving the administrative efficiency of HR, and the responsiveness of HR to employees and managers. 2. Employee retention by maintaining employees who through their experience and loyalty to the organization, becomes a core competency and perpetuates the values and cultures to newer employees.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

“Utopia is no place”. How does the Utopian and dystopian fiction you have studied present the possibility of perfection

â€Å"It is the dream of a just society, which seems to haunt the human imagination ineradicably and in all ages†1. But â€Å"absolute purity, absolute justice, absolute logic and perfection are beyond human achievement†2. Composers such as More, Orwell, Huxley and Atwood use different avenues and techniques to explore this idea of perfection and its feasibility on earth with the human race. Utopian and dystopian fiction comprises a broad selection of texts; but in the narrowest definition any text in which the composer proposes an ideal or nightmarish world or society. The literary cannons of Utopian and Dystopian fiction include: Plato's Republic, Thomas More and his Utopia – responsible for both the generic name and genre creation; Aldous Huxley's Brave New World; George Orwell's 1984 and Animal Farm; And Marget Atwoods's Hand Maid's Tale. Within each text composers use different presentations of the ‘ideal' society to highlight the achievability and desirability of perfection. Utopia is a story, to be discovered only by trespassing onto an unknown voyage of exploration by Raphael Hythloday, More's fictional protagonist. Utopia is a â€Å"prototypical sociological and anthropological study†3 into humanity. In book II, More ‘records' Raphael's account of life in Utopia as he ‘experienced it'. He presents a prescriptive report of social structures of Utopia – contrasting it, in the minds of the responders, with his earlier discussions in Book I of the â€Å"sorry state of the realm of England†. Utopia ends, first with a rousing flourish by Hythloday in which he claims Utopia to be the most perfect of societies, followed by More's assessment that many Utopian policies are absurd, though there are some he would â€Å"like to see adopted in Europe†4. Utopia sits in the span between worldly pragmatism and philosophical idealism. It is a working society in which there is no evil, but the book can offer no means by which an existing society might be transformed into a Utopian model. Although Utopia is sceptical of aspects of the Utopian society it is still marked by the authors' faith in science, reason, and progress. Later works of Utopian fiction saw a shift towards a more pessimistic and cynical view of man, generating the term dystopian fiction. This has become synonymous with 1984; Brave New World and Handmaids Tale. 1984 is â€Å"a utopia in the form of a novel†5 – meaning like More's its inception is at a fantastical ‘no place'. Orwell's Eurasia began with a vision of â€Å"a glittering antiseptic world of glass and steel and snow-white concrete†6 but quickly turned to a totalitarian nightmarish state where even the freedom to say, â€Å"two plus two make four† corroded by the Party, where â€Å"War is Peace† â€Å"Freedom is Slavery† and â€Å"Ignorance is Strength† Orwell presents a bleak picture of a society whose aim at perfection has completely eroded individual rights and freedom. A society where the state wields â€Å"power for powers sake† and truth and trust are a distant hallucination. The society is marked by fear of â€Å"vaporisation† and â€Å"un-person[ification]†, where individual's movements and thoughts are constantly monitored and controlled by the Party. He also uses the very powerful ending of the book with Winston's betrayal of Julia, as the final testament to human will. He shows us that â€Å"to talk about the need for perfection in man is to talk about the need for another species†7 – that â€Å"perfection is not part of the human essence†8 Orwell's negativity is paralleled by Huxley's Brave New World, a utopian future based on science and technology where forced conformity is exchanged with eugenics and hypnopaedia conditioning. Huxley uses his characters and plots as â€Å"purveyors of truth† reverberating his disillusionment with society and its values. His cynicism and profound pessimism of humanity â€Å"Human beings are given free will in order to choose between insanity on the one hand and lunacy on the other† is also widely reflected within the text. His vision of ‘perfection' sees the attrition of individuality for the sake of stability requiring the sacrifice of art, science, and religion. Individuality is not only repressed it's exterminated before and after birth through various forms of conditioning. He too, like Orwell, concludes his composition with disquieting statement regarding human will, with John's submission to World State society leading to his suicide. Atwood uses the Republic of Gilead, a totalitarian and theocratic state, to also make a comment upon society's flaws. Dangerously low reproduction rate leads to a society with very definitive class distinctions – the elites, the Marthas and the handmaids – the vessels assigned to produce fruit for the infertile elites. Atwood suggests, people will endure oppression willingly as long as they receive some slight amount of power or freedom – â€Å"truly amazing, what people can get used to, as long as there are a few compensations† and this passivity is the factor which enables the formation of totalitarian states. Again testifying to the limitations of the human character. However Atwood unlike Orwell and Huxley moves towards a heterotopic state at the end of the novel with the protagonist being whisked away to the underground by Nick signifying remnants of hope for humanity. Composers have often within their compositions addressed the human desire for perfection. But â€Å"numerous works of modern literature have been suspicious not only of the possibility of utopia, but of its very desirability† 9 By reflecting on â€Å"disastrous opposite†10 resulting form trying to implement utopia on a grand scale composers have highlighted that â€Å"Perhaps the greatest utopia would be if we could all realize that no utopia is possible.†

Monday, July 29, 2019

A Brief Note On Man Made Water Crisis

Water Conservation and Pollution In the world today, water scarcity persists in being an unnerving issue. The world’s supply of water is diminishing and is further narrowed by pollution. Without measures taken to conserve our water, there will be a global and chronic drought. As long as water is scarce, it is imperative to develop proposals concerning water conservation and pollution. Although water is one of the most abundant resources on the planet, we are not able to utilize the majority of it†¦ excessive amount of water. I am guilty of taking this resource for granted by taking long showers, not using a stopper while washing dishes, thus leaving the hot water running for far too long, and washing less than a full load of clothing on multiple occasions. Rather than wasting all of the water that I use in the shower and while cleaning dishes in the sink, I could have been reusing it as greywater. Greywater is household wastewater that can be reused to clean household items or water the lawn and garden†¦ International Incidents You Outlined Previously Various main thrusts added to the foundation of various arrangements and settlements for instance: 1. Division of Capitalist and Communist Bloc that brought about Cold War under the political choice made by the President Truman 2. The North Atlantic Treaty that brought about foundation of NATO 3. Southeast Asia Treaty and the Chinese and Korean Wars 4. The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty between the US and the USSR 5. Begin I arms control settlement†¦ 1. Most of the total water withdrawals in France are used by the Industry: 24. 48 billion m3 followed by municipal water use of 5.49 billion m3 and agricultural water use 3.143 billion m3. In percentages industrial water withdrawals represent 73.93%, agricultural water withdrawals represent 9.49 % and municipal 16.58 %. (Aquastat) In comparison the world water withdrawals used by industry in 2007 are 734 km3 or 19 % of the total†¦ problems: the Syrian Refugee Crisis. As millions of Syrians are displaced by the Syrian Civil War, they attempt to seek refuge in surrounding foreign nations. So far, the countries of the world have only addressed the crisis by deciding the fate of the refugees that cling to their borders. However, these individual policies are ineffective in addressing the whole problem. In fact, these unified strategies have led to creation of additional problems, expanding the crisis into new countries on an unimpeded†¦ Foreclosure â€Å"victims†? People can be victims of fires and floods. I think it is a stretch to call someone a victim of a foreclosure. When people face a crisis, they usually want to be warriors as opposed to victims. They are better served by empowerment as opposed to pity. Boomerang seems like a fun nickname though. I would stick with Boomerang Buyers. It has that double B as well as the root word BOOM. All foreclosures are not the same. Some deals were so bad that nothing would have prevented†¦ Currently, Asia is in a large, rising water crisis that is leaving many populations with difficulty in finding clean water. Urbanization, agriculture, rising population, and overuse of water has led to the rising crisis. Throughout many of the countries in Asia, the rising water crisis is dominating government decisions, lifestyles, and the economy. Many may think that water is an unlimited source that is always replenish able, and overuse it and waste it in vast amounts. Sadly, this is catching†¦ Flint Michigan Water Crisis Many would argue that the United States is the best country on this earth. Millions of immigrants have come here for a better life because United States opened its doors to welcome those seeking political and religious freedom as well as the "adventurer, the wanderer, the persecuted, the fortune seekers, and others" (Arizaga, 2007). Immigrants built up the United States from the very beginning. This country was, and continues to be a kaleidoscope of ethnic and cultural†¦ Safety is a priceless commodity. Nevertheless, Syrian migrants paying an average of 2500 euro ($2840) to be smuggled into European nations would argue otherwise. The Syrian refugee crisis continues to be an international issue as the United States and other non-European nations begin to extend asylum offers to refugees, while European nations hope the 230 million euros they have invested in researching methods to hinder illegal immigration will prove successful in combatting refugees looking to immigrate†¦ In September of 2015, the image of 3 year old Aylan Kurdi 's lifeless body being pulled from Turkish waters forced the world to shift its collective gaze towards Syria where thousands of individuals were risking their lives in order to flee their war-torn country. What began as a civil war, has resulted in the largest displacement of individuals since World War II. The Syrian refugee crisis is one of the most pressing issues that the world is facing today. The influx of refugees into neighbouring†¦

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Problem Solution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Problem Solution - Essay Example Put differently, the corporate culture was not conducive to the introduction of new improvements that could have helped with the overall quality and quantity of the plants output. This kind of an environment at the plant in turn produced the low morale of the workers there. The challenge is to find ways to motivate the employees without necessarily threatening them or their sense of security pertaining to their jobs, as proposed change is always perceived as a threat (Shook, 2010, p. 65). An important thing is to gain employees trust. 2. Section 4 (Possible Solutions) - the new combined management at the NUMMI plant made the right decisions regarding gaining employee trust so that there will be cooperation from the workers. In particular, it is vital to have the so-called â€Å"employee buy-in† wherein the workers are themselves convinced of the proposed solutions coming from management. However, not all of the proposed solutions came from the top only, the workers down below in production lines were also given new responsibilities together with the corresponding authority to detect problems with quality, if ever these defects come up, by allowing them to â€Å"stop the line† which is a novel or new idea for most of the previous workers at the old GM Fremont plant. In other words, they are now given the capability to manage their work. They are now empowered to check quality. Shook, J. (Winter 2010). How to change a culture: Lessons from NUMMI. MIT Sloan Management Review, 51(2), 62-68. Retrieved January 31, 2014 from

Increase in Sexual violations against children from [year] to [year] Essay

Increase in Sexual violations against children from [year] to [year] (must be recent) - Essay Example Many people wonder what has become of our society and what the future generation will be like, are there mistakes somewhere that need to be addressed to combat the problem? Combating the problem calls for dealing with the root causes of the increasing sexual violations among children. The increase in sexual violations against children in the recent years has been attributed to increase use of internet, poverty, and the family environment the child is exposed. A number of researches show an increase in the number of sexual violations against children over the past years. Even though the exact numbers of sexual offence are not known, facts show an increase in the number of such cases. Most of the research work on the sexual offences relies on information from the police department although most of the sexual violations against children and youths are not reported to the police. Information from statistics Canada shows that there was an increase of three percent in the number of sexual violations against children reported between 2010 and 2011. Statistics has since then show a steady increase at an alarming rate, which call for drastic measures to be taken. The knowledge of the underlying causes for the increase is important since it is the first step towards combating the problem. Although the improved technology is something that calls for a celebration, it has come with the limitations to the society. The increased internet use exposes children to pornography, which is considered the basic factor contributing to increased sexual violations against children. According to Jaffer and Brazeau (2011), the internet has facilitated pornography and the sale and purchase of sexual activities (p.11). Children watching pornographic pictures over the internet tend to mimic what they see and may in turn practice the act on other vulnerable children around them. This is a form of sexual violation even though the offender who in this case is a child may not have bad intension s. There have been increased cases where perpetrators of the sexual offences children against themselves. In addition, there are older people who create the children pornography as reported by the police department (Canada, 2009). According to building a Europe for and with children (2010), there have been cases where adults entice children over the internet to sexual activities (p.304). The direct contact between a child and an anonymous is pointed out to be common. Usually the adult predators build trust with the victim then entice them to meet at a place where the offence is committed. Such predators also use webcam to send pictures of sexual malpractices to their victims who in most cases are children. Recruiting young girls into prostitution has also been done through internet. This can be termed, as child luring which according to the Canada statistics no much documentation is available. According to the centers for research and education on violence against women and children (2010), the greater percentages of sexual predator over the internet are male who lure adolescent girls (p.9). It is with no doubt that something needs to be done to combat sexual violations through the internet. Poverty is another factor seen to have contributed to the increase in the number of sexual offences against children (Holtz, 2013 p.327). Research show that, children from families with low income are more at risk of being abused sexually. Children who come from poor background, where life is unbearable, lack of education and

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Reason Why the Developing countries are not developing Essay

The Reason Why the Developing countries are not developing - Essay Example The question that puzzles the minds of many economists, politicians and the general population pertains to why the developing countries are not developing. This is due to the fact that they have remained underdeveloped for more than a century and very few show signs of becoming industrialized or developed in the near future. The objective of this paper is to explore why and what measures make a country be categorized as a developing country. It will also discuss why there is the lack of development in these countries. The development of a nation is usually measured with statistical indexes such as life expectancy, income per capita, gross domestic product (GDP), and literacy rate among others.2 A Human Development Indicator for the above statistics has been developed by the United Nations to measure the human development levels for countries where reliable data can be found. Based on these statistics, a country is categorized as developing when it has not yet achieved a considerable degree of industrialization relative to their population, and with low standards of living. These countries are also categorized as developing countries since they have low literacy levels, low income per capita, and short life expectancy. Why Developing Countries Are Still Not Developed Several reasons have been established as the leading factors contributing to underdevelopment in developing countries, first being lack of infrastructure. Most of these developing countries have not yet taken the initiative of investing enough to construct the infrastructure that boosts the efficiency of both capital inputs and labor.3 The main reason is that it is generally costly to install an infrastructure as it requires a large capital expenditure. However, since most of these countries are still poor, they are not in a position to invest much in the infrastructure. Infrastructure is important for the development of a nation. For example, hospitals are necessary to maintain the health of the wo rking population. Roads are also important to promote trade and attract investments in a country. Lack of good highways usually increases the cost of transport, thus hampering trade. Good housing as an infrastructure is also necessary to shelter the working population. Moreover, growth of urban areas is dependent on investment in infrastructure. However, all these infrastructural facilities being either unavailable or poor is what hamper development in developing countries; this is evident in countries such as Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Syria among others. Lack of skills has also been singled out as a factor contributing to underdevelopment in developing countries.4 Development of a country is highly dependent on the literacy level of the population and the ability to embrace the use of technology. This is what has made countries such as the United States, Britain, Germany, and France to become fully developed. China is also a new country that was a decade ago considered as a dev eloping country has embraced the use of technology. This has moved it from a developing country to an industrial one. However, most developing countries lack the skills and the proper education to enable its population to employ the use of techno

Friday, July 26, 2019

Organizational Behavior Principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Organizational Behavior Principles - Essay Example If there is no conflict within a group, the question is whether the group is actually in total agreement or whether the members of the group lack innovative thinking and are therefore willing to accept any project set forth At this group's level of management, it seems unlikely that either of these situations exists. Therefore, where there is conflict, there must be resolution. Otherwise, the unresolved conflict will build with time, and success of the team will be compromised (Heathfield, 2002). Team Work - In any team, diversity can be an issue. The personalities of the team members, gender, ethnic background, and attitude all must be considered in creating a working relationship with fellow team members. Understanding and appreciating differences becomes a major consideration in resolving conflicts, as well as the ability of the team to reach an agreement when looking at a new proposal. Teams must have respect for each other and show a willingness to listen to other solutions, rather than considering one's solution to be the only one (Becton, Wysocki, Kepner, 2002). Cooperation and Compromise - In discussing suggestions for project ideas to be present

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Examination of the presidential candidate's position Essay

Examination of the presidential candidate's position - Essay Example While McCain favors tax breaks for the rich, Obama has famously gone of record that one can show one’s patriotism by accepting higher taxes. On the issue of free trade agreements, both of them have positions that are equivalent with some deviation as far as NAFTA and CAFTA are concerned. However, on the issue of immigration both of them are at widely divergent positions. While McCain favors stricter border patrols, he is nonetheless comfortable with the position of illegal aliens and their rights. Obama on the other hand has been a consistent opponent as far as the ease of finding jobs for the illegal aliens goes. McCain has changed his stance on some issues related to immigration particularly when it comes to the guest worker program. However, it remains to be seen how this would go hand in hand with his position on Offshoring and outsourcing. Obama has taken a more strident approach towards outsourcing. McCain has called himself an â€Å"unabashed admirer of free trade† and is all for the NAFTA and the CAFTA free trade agreements. He voted for the bills on the immigration reform though Congress twice failed to clear them through. He has gone as far as to go for a â€Å"full throated† defense of the immigration reform that nearly cost him his presidential bid. He has vowed that if elected, he would not try a â€Å"third time†. This has come in for considerable criticism from Obama who says that McCain has been flip-flopping. Obama has not been too forthcoming on the issue of immigration overhaul and has been relatively cool towards the issue of immigration legislation overhaul. In the recent past, both candidates have tried to shift the blame on each other as far as their positions go and this has led to much sparring between the two camps. At stake is the Hispanic vote and both sides do not want to be seen antagonistic towards the cause of the Hispanics and they would rather be

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

MGMT438 U4 IP MGMT Interview Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

MGMT438 U4 IP MGMT Interview - Research Paper Example Curriculum developers design the training program and hands it to the training manager for execution (Noe, 2012). The training personnel who may be either internal or outsourced deliver training during the designated time within the halls of the company. The recipients of training in Textics constitute all employees ranging from operational staff to strategic managers. However, the training content and venue for each class of employee varies (Noe, 2012). The topics for top-level management include strategies for proper management, quality productivity, effective utilization of scarce resources, and employee selection and recruitment to enhance efficiency. Operational employees are exposed to topics concerning avoiding waste, recycling, the necessity of best performance, and methods of ensuring quality of products (Martini, 2012). The steps relevant in Textics Limited’s training include identifying the need for training, carrying out a needs assessment, developing the curriculum, executing the proposed curriculum, evaluation and monitoring. The organization evaluates the effectiveness of the training by comparing both qualitative and quantitative productivity of employees before and after the training. Continuous employee training and development plays a significant role in development of individuals and the organizational performance. The training manager should collaborate with human resource managers and trainers to design effective curricula for employee development (Martini, 2012). The strategic procedure of employee development needs to ensure inventiveness, boost creativity, and shape the entire organizational knowledge in order to provide the organization with uniqueness that differentiates it from

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Proposal designs Seminar Unit 8 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Proposal designs Seminar Unit 8 - Research Paper Example Submitting an inaccurate budget in your proposal packet may mean that the organisation has poor financial management practices or there were inaccuracies when writing the budget. The two main consequences that may result due to these inaccuracies are that the whole proposal may be reviewed negatively and thus the grant denied or the proposal may be sent back to the grantee for corrections on the budget. The consequence here will depend on the materiality of the inaccuracies (Karsh & Fox, 2009). Funders like to imagine that they are funding a proposal that will be able to carry on its activities into the future with or without their help. It is therefore important to show how the program will sustain itself after the grant as this shows the funder that their grant will be of future benefit. A sustainable project will show the funder the need for initial funding and this will influence their decision in a positive way (Karsh & Fox,

Confucianism vs. Daoism Essay Example for Free

Confucianism vs. Daoism Essay Confucianism and Daoism, although are intermingled among people who practice them, have very different views on what is necessary to become an exemplary person. Confucianism is based on the thought that education, history, structure, rules and regulation will lead to achievement and becoming fully human. Daoists, although they believe in order, hate structure, do not believe in education, and feel wandering, or going with the flow, being with nature, is most important in life. While education is most important to Confucianism, it is least important to Daoism. Confucius’s believe that through education one is able to move up in society. Education is the energy or power that enables a person to climb the social ladder, so to speak. Daoism believe very different. For them, the most important thing is connecting with nature. To be like free flowing water and to find your level, or connecting with nature, allows one to become a virtuous person. Daoism and Confucianism have very different views on education within their religion. The importance of history is another example of the differences among Confucianism and Daoism. While history is an important part of Confucianism and what helps them to achieve higher status, Daoists do not believe the past is important, they believe in spontaneity, and the importance to go with the flow and live in harmony with nature. For Confucius’s, rituals, etiquette and maintaining status quo, bring tranquility. There are five roles with relationships, ruler/subject, parent/child, husband/wife, elder brother/younger brother, and friend/friend, which Confucians believe, along with the five virtues: human-heartedness, justice, propriety, wisdom and faithfulness, produce social order and full human beings. For Daoists the history is not important or relevant, it is the wandering, having no way, or going with the flow, that will help find the way itself. Each of these religions has their own thought as to what will make one fully human and how to achieve the highest value in life. For Daoists, they believe the problem is that we let life slip away and think the solution is to live life to the fullest and flourish like nature. They believe that this is only possible if we live life in harmony with the natural rhythms of the Dao, which is the natural way, imitating nature. Confucius’s have a different mindset, because they believe that through hard work and education they are able to move up in society helping them to flourish and become more human and achieve their highest value in society. Both Confucianism and Daoism want to become fully human and achieve their highest level but they have very different views on how to achieve this goal. To live in harmony for Daoists is to flourish with the nature of things. They believe that humans are made to flourish like trees, but this is only possible if we live in harmony with nature. This is accomplished through the Dao. According to Daoists, when we give into formal education, social conventions, and rituals we die a little each day by acting intentionally and not with the heart. This leads to thinking too much and not going with the flow or with nature. In Confucianism this is quite opposite because by acting intentionally and following social order, through education, social conventions and rituals, they believe this makes up more human. Confucians’ believe that through social structure and obedience we can live in harmony with each other. For Confucians’ the goal is social order. They believe that the problem is chaos and worried about society falling apart without social order. These two religions, although they both want harmony, have a very different way to achieve this. One of the major aspects of Confucians is to incline yourself to listen rather than speak, to follow the rule and behave in the proper manor. This is not true for Daoists who believe in following nature, not to think but to just go with it. Confucians feel that our actions should have a purpose and that in order to sustain social order we must act according to our status, traditions, and follow Li, which means â€Å"to arrange in order†. Also important to Confucius’s is etiquette, customs, manners, ceremony, courtesy, civility and propriety. Li and ren are two important concepts in Confucius’s thought because they both lead to self-cultivation and social harmony. Ren, which is human-heartedness, is inward and subjective, li, ritual, etiquette, and propriety, is outward and objective. While li and ren are important to Confucius, the Dao is important to Daoists. The Dao, or the way, is the way of untamed nature and real human life. Through the Dao there is an authentic natural order that results. Although these two religions are quite different in their fundamental thinking it is important to note that they do work to complement each other in their societies. People in china feel Daoists adopted Confucius as one of their own. Each of these two religions coexists. The text explains this well when it says, â€Å"Confucianism’s communitarianism and Daoism’s individualism, Confucianism’s formalism and Daoism’s flow, the hard yang of Confucianism and the soft yin of Daoism†. It is said that they are Confucian’s at work, Daoists on the weekend and Buddhists at death. This goes to say that these religions can be intertwined throughout this society and people do not need to adopt and follow just one religion. In conclusion it is important to note that, although these two religions have very different ideologies, they do work to create peace and serenity. They both do not believe in a God but in a higher power and promote becoming fully human to achieve that higher power. I find it interesting how different the concepts in these religions are but yet how people can acclimate themselves to being both Confucians and Daoists at the same time. For how different each of these religions are I can understand how following order and knowing your place is society is important as well is connecting with nature to find your true self. Works Cited: Chan, Alan K.L.Daoism. April 2013. Confucianism. China during time of Confucius. 2007. Confucianism. Encyclopedia Britannica online. Confucianism: values and order. Faces: People, Places, and Cultures. May 2010. Daoism (Chinese philosophy and religion). Encyclopedia Britannica. Miller, James. 2013 August. Daoist Studies. Daoism and Daoist Studies.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Macbeth was one of the first plays written during the reign of James I Essay Example for Free

Macbeth was one of the first plays written during the reign of James I Essay Macbeth was one of the first plays written during the reign of James I. Shakespeare intended to honour the King by glorifying Banquo, the legendary founder of the Stuart line. Hence the play also serves as a mirror for magistrates, a dramatization of the theme of kingship. James I strongly believed in the Divine Right of kings. He believed that the lord of the heavens had placed kings to rule over people in the world, thus Kings had a god-given right to rule and treachery was like turning away from God and not only the king. In actually fact, if you went against your own king, you were indeed challenging God. James I had ruled the Scottish Parliament more or less how he liked using the concept of Divine Right but when he came to rule over England, he found the English parliament far less easy to handle, insisting that the king could only rule by its consent. In Macbeth the common theme is based on the natural order of things. Macbeths lawless act destroys all law: it occasions confusion and disorder in the world of men and animals as well as in the heavens above. Everywhere there is upheaval: on the night when the murder is done, chimneys are blown down, lamentations and strange screams of death are heard in the air, and some say the earth was feverous and did shake (2,3,53-59). All this confirms the interdependency of man and nature. The natural elements, following the death of Duncan, are in strange disorder and there is the further recounting of other amazing violations of nature, the unnatural behaviour of animals no longer acting according to their ways. A falcon towering in her pride of place was by a mousing owl hawked at and killed (2,4,13). As you can probably guess the owl is supposed to represent King Duncan, on top of the chain, and mousing owl is supposed to be Macbeth, the person who broke this chain and disordered everything, to the tiniest atom. Macbeth, at the time would have been exceptionally, politically advantageous to James because it would have greatly increased the publics view that James I was Gods so-called Sergeant on earth, and so had the right to do or change whatever he pleased. The easiest way to attack a political rival was to accuse him of treachery and the easiest way to prove his treachery was to link him with one of the proscribed religious groups. In 1605 James dealt with some troublesome rivals by claiming to have detected a Catholic plot to blow up the parliament. In Scotland, even more than in England at the time, political troublemakers were accused of witchcraft and heresy. James himself was an authority on witchcraft and the London edition of his Demonology was published in 1603, the year of his accession to the throne of Great Britain. Certainly most people believed in the existence and power of witches, devils and ghosts and the religiously orthodox stressed that the devil could take many shapes. According to the teaching of the Church, Heaven and Hell were actual places and the central teaching of Christianity was the sinful (fallen) nature of man and the necessity of a sense of guilt to bring the sinner to accept the salvation from sinfulness offered by Christ. The reason of man was not foolproof and the Church urged the faithful to be on their guard against any suggestion of communication with the Devil. In Act I, Scene 3 of Macbeth Baquo expresses similar fears concerning the witches: Were such things here as we do speak about? Or have we eaten on the insane root That takes the reason prisoner? (Lines 82-84) And And oftentimes, to win us to our harm, The instruments of darkness tell us truths; Win us with honest trifles, to betrays In deepest consequence (Lines 122-125 At the start of the play there surrounds two conflicting views of the hero, Macbeth. In scene 1, when the audience have already found out that the witches have met in order to meet Macbeth, a big question mark surrounds Macbeth. The audience is forced to ask themselves who is this Macbeth and what business does he have with these foul witches. In scene 2 the audience finds out the true identity of Macbeth. He is indeed a Hero! We learn that a battle between King Duncans army and the rebels is raging nearby. The scene starts of with King Duncan being given the latest news of the rebellion by the sergeant. The sergeant reports, with great enthusiasm, how the battle was at first, in balance. That is until, gallant and brave Macbeth, ignoring all the odds, slashing in and out with his bloody sword reached the traitor Macdowald and with no pity, ripped the traitor from head to toe. After hearing how the battle went, King Duncan has nothing but praise for the heroic deed of Macbeth and announces that Macbeth is to be given the title of Thane of Cawdor and the treacherous Cawdor is to be executed immediately. The battle is given a size and importance that magnify the qualities of Macbeth and our curiosity and anticipation are aroused to meet this might champion so praised by all who have seen him. But our memories still hold the mention of his name by the witches and the finale line of the scene (What he hath lost noble Macbeth hath won) reminds us of line 4 in scene 1 (When the battles lost and one) and this connexion is consolidated in Scene 3. Macbeths first words echo the witches so foul is fair a day I have not seen. This suggests Macbeth is already in tune with the way the witches think. Banquo believes that these witches are in league with the devil and thus should not be trusted, Can the devil speak truth? However Macbeth wants to hear more of this strange intelligence, upon this blasted heath you stop our way with such prophetic greeting? Speak, I charge you. The witches predict two things:- that Macbeth will become the thane of Cawdor, and the king hereafter. They also predict two things for Banquo that he will be lesser than Macbeth, and his children will be the kings after Macbeth. The witches second prediction of Macbeth (All hail Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter) is exactly what Macbeth wants to hear because it is his greatest ambition to be king, the ultimate prize is his for grabs. The soliloquy beginning Two truths are told which shows that the witches second prediction has come true about Mabeth earning the title of Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth then begins thinking about the witches third prophecy the greatest is behind and what he needs to do now to become king. It is at this point that he starts to consider murder but he feels very uneasy about the word even though he is renown around Scotland as a ruthless soldier, why do I yield to that suggestion whose horrid image doth unfix my hair and make my seated heart knock at my ribs (1,3,134-136). Macbeth is confused but still very ambitious. Macbeth shows signs of having a good heart and good intentions, but he also shows that he has a weak mind that ignores and disobeys what he knows is right. You can straight away see that Macbeth has got a powerful conscious when Lady Macbeth has a torrid time trying to convince him to kill King Duncan. At first he absolutely refuses to do such a horrible deed to such a noble person. He knows in his heart that to kill Duncan is wrong and deceitful. The reader can tell that Macbeth is trying is utmost best to resist the misgivings of his wife. We will proceed no further. He hath honoured me of late, and I have bought Golden opinions from all sorts of people, Which would be worn now in their newest gloss, Not cast aside so soon (1,7,31-35). Although he knows that this deed will have profound consequences he allows Lady Macbeth to persuade him into doing what he knows is wrong. Macbeth knows he has chosen the wrong path when he says, Ill go no more. I am afraid to think what I have done; Look ont again, I dare not (2,3,46-48). Therefore Macbeth is disobeying what his own heart is telling him. In fact, Macbeth speaks of the distrust he has for his own heart when he says False face must hide what the false heart doth know. Lady Macbeth persuades her husband to do the murder by telling him that, all he is doing, is fulfilling his own lofty ambition and that surely he is not a coward. If he is a man, he should act like one. The fact that Macbeth is so easily persuaded to kill a man, proves that he must have considered murder before. It is also the sign of a person who has a weak mind and who does not stand up for himself. Lady Macbeth feeds on this weakness. Macbeth is tempted to do evil and Lady Macbeth is the key human agent the one Macbeth trusts and loves- who ensures his temptation is through and complete. Lady Macbeth, when we first encounter her is, dominant, determined, powerful, and even perhaps frightening in the intensity of her uncompromising desire for her husband to ascend the throne. Be it, the price of murder. We understand that Macbeth has his own deep desires, but this seems tame compared with Lady Macbeths unquenchable aspirations (she summons evil itself into her body and soul to unsex her and remove any doubts she might have). Further, we see in her actions, a cool, self-assured person, unlike her husband. When Macbeth falters, she is there and she also has the courage to return the daggers and to faint at the news of King Duncans murder, and so distract any attention from her husband. She plans the details of the murder; she has the future worked out. She is also pre-eminently cunning and shows no fear of the supernatural and death itself. That is why she can say, a little water clears us of this deed (2,2,67), because there is nothing to fear from God and old-fashioned ideas of retribution. She can happily envisage hypocrisy and falsehood. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth fates are inextricably joined, but her role and character support Macbeths destiny. However like Macbeth, Lady Macbeth shows moments of humanity she would have killed Duncan herself only he reminded her of her own father. It is these small details that perhaps indicate that she is not as cold and inhuman as she makes herself to be. It could actual, all be an act just to persuade Macbeth to do the final deed. This of course makes her breakdown seem the more inevitable as she is bound to blame herself in some way for the murder. Ultimately she finds out that water will not wash away the stain of blood. It is then ironic that Macduff on first meeting Lady Macbeth refers to her as gentle lady and one too sensitive to even hear the word murder. By the end of the play she is recognized for what she is, a fiend-like queen (5,6,108). Macbeth, in the final analysis, is too preoccupied with his own role to give support to her. Once he has done his first major murder he needs no help from her to do the others. Macbeth is a man of action: the play proves this in more ways then others. He is a fearless warrior and an important lord who defends his king against treachery. However, ambition is his finale weakness. He allows, first the witches prophesy and then his wifes ambition for him, to undermine his integrity. It is clear that he is not easily won over to evil. His conscience is strong and throws up many objections to his doing the deed. However, he is also too easily influenced in the direction that he secretly desires to go. Once he has decided, he does not deviate, and each step subsequently reaffirms his initial choice. Macbeth, then, is determined, and with this determination turns to a violent and ruthless path, full of chaos. So how does Macbeth a peerless kinsman, develops into King Duncans murderer? Is Macbeths mistake in killing gracious king Duncan, his entire fault? Is he to blame for his own doing or were they any other factors that bade him to do this terrible deed? Is Macbeth still the hero at the end of this play and does he deserve what he gets? For these Questions to be answered we need to look at the fundamental theme of the play, Ambition. Partly because it is the driving force of Macbeths life. Macbeth is a deep sentimental tragedy. Tragedy, in Shakespeare usually concerns a great person, the hero, who through some weakness of his character falls from grace, endures intense sufferings (which fascinate the audience), and who inevitable dies a tragic death. In fact, who must die as a consequence of their weakness. Thus if you look at The Tragedy of Macbeth, we find all these ingredients; and if we consider what is the heros weakness, it must and can only be ambition. Macbeth says this specifically when he is attempting to resist the murder of Duncan: I have no spur.but only/Vaulting ambition which oerleaps itself (1,7,25-7).This acknowledgement comes after he has considered all the good reasons for not murdering Duncan. Only ambition is left to overrule his troubled conscience. Furthermore, whilst the influence of both Lady Macbeth and the witches is strong, their power over Macbeth is only possible because the ambition is already there. Macbeth ,then, is a hero but one who is fatally undermined by his ambition, that are the fabric of the play. Put in another way: it is his ambition that leads Macbeth to murder, treason, hypocrisy, corruption and deepest evil.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Mixing Educator Basic Principle Engineering Essay

Mixing Educator Basic Principle Engineering Essay An educator is a device which mixes two liquids of different flow rates giving a solution of desired flow rate. Educators are made using a venturi design. It enables small pumps to circulate large volumes of tank solution. When pumping is used for solution agitation, the use of an educator will circulate four to five gallons of solution in the tank for every one gallon you pump. Fig 1.1: Mixing educator Basic principle It operates on the principle of flow dynamics pressurized fluid is accelerated through the nozzle to become a high velocity stream that entrains the tank content and intimately mixes with them. The combined stream exists the educator at a high velocity creating a flow field capable of causing additional agitation and mixing the tank contents. Tanks have used pumps without educators for solution mixing for years. Now with the usage of educators, the efficiency has been increased. Educators reduce the energy consumption of the pumps motors and will allow a smaller and less expensive pump to be used to perform the same job. Tank educators motive fluid may come from two sources. The tank liquid may be recirculated through the educator via and external pump or a secondary fluid maybe introduced into the tank. Secondary fluid can be liquid or a gas. Fig 1.2: Functioning of the Educator Usage Tank mixing educators are widely used in many applications to effectively and efficiently mix tank solutions. They offer many benefits over other approaches and are available in many different types of styles, sizes and materials. Tank Mixing Educators are used to agitate liquid, dissolve powdered solids in liquid, and to mix two or more liquids intimately within a tank or other vessel without the use of baffles or moving parts inside the tank. They are used to drain flooded cellars, empty tanks and sumps or bunds. Also used for pumping and mixing operations in oil treating systems. De-watering sand and coal barges, Introducing anti-knock fluids and colouring matter into gasoline. Continuous blending, Acidifying ,production of emulsions, Caustic zing of oils, Mixing drilling mud It can also be used to pump food products, sand and filter clay or activated carbon. Tank mixing. Educators are currently installed in the following types of re-circulating process tanks: Plating tanks Cleaning tanks Phosphate tanks E-coat paint tanks Sludge tanks Paint booths Anodizing tanks Cooling towers Fertilizer tanks Pulp tanks Decorative fountains Salt water aquariums Reef tanks Features As there are no moving parts in the educator, it minimizes the maintenance expenses. Optimum flow field enables more activity within the tank than competitive units without changing pumps. Compact design and ease of mounting prevents the educator from interfering with other tank equipment. The educator can be installed in a wide variety of open vessels or closed tanks.   It eliminates stratification and promotes a homogenous tank with relation to pH, temperature, solids or gas dispersion, and distribution of chemicals. As the educator can generate a directed flow field within the fluid being mixed including viscous fluids, slurries, and suspension ,it produces a unique agitation not available with other types of mixers. Liquids of different specific gravity can be mixed easily. It is excellent for scrubbing application. In-tank mounting eliminates the need for costly, complex mounting structures above tanks. Benefits Ensures homogeneous fluid mix throughout the tank. More thorough mixing results in solution uniformity such as temperature, pH level, solids/gas dispersion and chemical distribution which helps in ensuring product and process quality. Eliminates sludge build-up and reduces the tank cleaning time. Enables the usage of small pumps to circulate large volumes of tank solution. Smaller pumps are less costly to purchase- Units are small in relation to the work they do and cost is correspondingly low. Smaller pumps are less expensive to operate. Simplifies operation and maintenance as there are no moving parts it eliminates the need for compressed or blower air and the resulting oil contamination and/or ventilation problems. Self-Priming Educators are self-priming. They operate equally well in continuous or intermittent service. No Moving Parts Educators have a very simple design and are reliable. There are no moving parts to wear or break in a basic educator. Even when equipped with accessories such as regulating spindles, snap valves, float mechanisms only a little maintenance is required. Corrosion and Erosion Resistant Because they can be made of practically any workable material, or coated with corrosion-resistant materials, educators can be made highly resistant to the actions of the liquids handled or the environment in which located. Educators can be used in hazardous locations where electrically operated alternates would require explosion proofing at considerable cost .Hence they are very safe. Automatically Controlled Units can be adapted for automatic control by means of a pressure liquid regulating spindle or a snap-valve and float arrangement. Easy to Install Connections can be made to suit your piping requirements. Little space is required to accommodate units and they are normally so light in weight they can be supported by the piping to which they are attached. CHAPTER 2 TYPES OF EDUCATORS Water jet educators The Water Jet Educator is a type of ejector which utilizes the kinetic energy of a pressurized liquid to entrain another liquid, mix the two, and discharge the mixture against a counter pressure. These types of ejectors are used throughout industry for pumping, mixing and various other operations. During the operation, the pressure liquid enters the educator through the pressure nozzle producing a high velocity jet. This jet action creates a vacuum in the line which causes the suction liquid to flow up into the body of the educator where it is entrained by the pressure liquid. Both liquids are discharged against back pressure after being thoroughly mixed in the throat of the educator .The body with no pockets permits the pressure liquid to move straight through the educator and reduces the possibility of solids in the suction material collecting and clogging. In the suction chamber the pressure drop held to a minimum. Advantages: Low initial cost. Self-priming Easy to install Little or no maintenance required No moving parts No electrical connections required Fig 2.1: Water Jet Educators Automatic educators Automatic Water Jet Educators are used to pump out sumps where liquid accumulates slowly but must be evacuated when it has reached a predetermined level.As the liquid in the sump (basin, tank, cellar, bilge, etc.) is accumulated, it raises the ball float until the upward action of the float opens the snap-acting valve, admitting motive fluid into the pressure connection of the educator. The jet action of the motive fluid creates a vacuum in the educator and entrains the suction fluid, discharging both the fluids then. The sump level drops to a point where the snap acting valve shuts off ,as the suction fluid is pumped out. Pumping action does not take place until the sump again fills to the operating level. Advantages: Automatic operation. No electrical connection required. Only 2 moving parts- snap-acting valve and ball float. The full assembly is so compact it can be installed in tanks as small as 13 1/2 diameter. Condensate and mixing educator Fig 2.3: Condensate Educator These educators are designed to mix two liquids in various proportions in operations where the pressure liquid is the greater proportion of the mixture. In operation, the pressure liquid issues from the nozzle at high velocity and entrains the suction liquid. The high turbulence in the throat of the educator mixes the two liquids, blending and emulsifying thoroughly and completely. Colloidal suspensions are produced.. The pressure drop between the pressure liquid and the discharge should be at least 10 psi for adequate mixing, and the difference between the discharge pressure and the suction pressure should not exceed 75% of the difference between the operating pressure and the suction pressure. Applications: Removal of condensate Mixing gasoline Diluting acids and alkali Blending and proportionating chemical solutions Tank mixing educator It is done by mechanical agitation. They are used to agitate liquid, dissolve powdered solids in liquid, and to mix two or more liquids intimately within a tank without using baffles or moving parts inside the tank. Normally, the tank is filled by means of the educators. Mixing occurs as soon as the level of liquid in the tank covers the suction of the educator. In addition to the mixing obtained between the fluids in the educator, the jet action of the discharge from the educator serves to agitate the tank thus preventing stratification. Hopper equipped educator Hopper-Type Educators are made for handling slurries or dry solids in granular form and are used for ejecting sludges from tank bottoms, for pumping sand from filter beds and for washing and conveying granular materials. Typical materials handled include: borax, charcoal, diatomaceous earth, lime, mash, fly ash, rosin, rock and granulated salt, sand, dry sawdust, light soda ash, dry sodium nitrate, powdered sulphur, wheat and many others. Fig 2.5: Hopper Equipped Educator Advantages: no moving parts easy design (made from machine able or cast able materials) no maintenance required Water jet sand educator Water Jet Sand and Mud Educators are used in pumping out wells, pits, tanks, or sumps where there is an accumulation of sand, mud, or other material not easily handled by the standard educator. Heavy sludge residue can be handled easily from refining operations. They have an open suction and are designed to be submerged in the material being handled. The pressure liquid, passing through the nozzle, produces a high velocity jet which entrains the sludge or mud. Discharge then takes place through a vertical pipe or hose. Annular Multi-Nozzle Water Jet Educator Annular Multi-Nozzle Water Jet Educators are designed to handle solids and semi-solids. Water is introduced though the nozzles on the periphery. The pressure water creates a vacuum which draws in and entrains the material being handled. Fig 2.7: Multi -nozzle Water Jet Educator. Advantages: Highest efficiency Low discharge High air handling capacities. Plastic tank educators There are 2 types: PPL (Glass Reinforced Polypropylene) and PVDF (KYNAR ®). Educator circulation ratio of supply to discharge is1:5 Polypropylene (PPL) It is a polymer prepared catalytically from propylene which differs from HDPE by having an isotactic replacement of a hydrogen atom by a methyl group on alternate carbon atoms in the main chain. Although largely unreactive chemically the presence of the methyl groups makes Polypropylene slightly more susceptible to attack by strong oxidizing agents than HDPE. Quick Facts: Maximum Temperature: 275 °F 135 °C Minimum Temperature: 32 °F 0 °C Melting Point: 338 °F 170 °C   Tensile Strength: 4,500 psi   Hardness: R95   UV Resistance:  Poor   Translucent ,Rigid Specific Gravity: 0.90 Advantages: High temperature resistance Excellent resistance to dilute and concentrated acids, alcohols ,mineral oils . Good resistance to aldehydes, esters, aliphatic hydrocarbons. Limited resistance to aromatic and halogenated hydrocarbons. KYNAR (PVDF): Is a high molecular weight thermoplastic polymer with excellent chemical inertness. Quick Facts: Melting point : 352 ° F Heat deflection at 66 psi (ASTM D 648) : 300 ° F Heat deflection at 264 psi (ASTM D 648) : 235 ° F Maximum serving temperature for short term : 340 ° F Maximum serving temperature for long term : 285 ° F Thermal conductivity (ASTM C 177) : 1.32 Btu-inch/hr-ft~2-  ° F Specific heat : 0.23 Btu/lb-  ° F Coefficient of linear thermal expansion (ASTM D 696) : 7.110~5 Applicable temperature range for thermal expansion : 50-300 ° F Advantages: Highly resistant to oxidizing agents and halogens. Completely resistant to aliphatic aromatics, alcohols, acids and chlorinated solvents. Resistant to most acids and bases. Mechanically strong Thermally stable Resistant to low temperatures Self-extinguishing Non-toxic High dielectric strength Stable to ultraviolet and extreme conditions. CHAPTER 3 CUSTOM TANK EDUCATOR MANIFOLD DESIGN Manifold designs can be customized for various applications. Shown below is a type of design used by various industries for a number of applications. The main advantage of such a design is that it is highly efficient. Fig 31: Manifold Design CHAPTER 4 TYPES OF COATING 4.1 Fusion Bonded Coating A single coating offers excellent abrasion resistance that it can withstand the punishment of sand blasting.5-3 mils thick coating can be applied. Fig 4.1 Machine able Excellent Abrasion Resistance 300 ° F Continuous Service Impact Resistant Withstands Saltwater Environment Self-Lubrication Electrical Insulation 4.2 Edathon Coating This coating is applied by electrostatic powder spray or fluidized powder bed. Its strength, radiation resistance, wear resistance and creep resistance are greater than those of other fluoropolymers such as PTFF,FEP or PEA. Excellent Corrosion Resistance Excellent Abrasion Resistance 300 ° F Continuous Service Good Non-Stick Characteristics Excellent Dielectric Insulation Resistance to radiation High chemical and temperature resistant Fig: 4.2 Edathon Coating Edathon Coated Tank Nozzle CHAPTER 5 DESIGHNING OF AN EDUCATOR 5.1 Materials of Construction Carbon steel 316 SS Bronze PVC PPL PVDF Titanium Teflon Fiberglass 5.2 Design and Dimensions As it is one of the most cost-efficient and effective ways for manufacturers to get the best performance from their re-circulating process tanks, it is easy to see why tank mixing educators are the design of choice for all major manufacturers. To obtain optimal mixing performance, it is important to understand these product differences and how to specify and install educators. Liquid mixing educators consists of a nozzle, a venture and a body to hold parts in their relative positions and to provide a suction chamber. Additional accessories such as regulating spindles, snap values and floats for controlled agitation can also be added to the design. Liquid jet educators are manufactured in a variety of types and sizes as well as materials .The standard type are: 264 type-0.5 inch to 6 inch 266 type-0.5 inch to 6 inch 242 type-0.5 inch to 24 inch Before determining the correct type and size of the educator certain variables such as pressure, temperature, density required ,entrainment rates and operating conditions must all be considered. Fig 5.2 Design Fig 5.3: Dimensions of an Educator Table 1: Types of educators Dimension A Dimension B Dimension C Dimension D Size Max Free Passage IN (mm) IN (mm) IPS (mm) IN (mm) 3/8 0.2656 5.00 (127) 2.50 (64) 3/8 MNPT (10) .50 (12) 3/4 0.4062 7.25 (184) 3.69 (94) 3/4 MNPT (20) .81 (20) 1-1/2 0.5625 10.88 (276) 5.50 (140) 1-1/2 FNPT (40) 1.12 (28) 2 0.8125 14.50 (368) 7.69 (195) 2 FNPT (50) 1.62 (41) 3 1.1875 22.00 (559) 11.75 (298) 3 FNPT (80) 2.50 (63) 4 consult 25.00 (635) 12.00 (305) 4 FNPT (100) 3.00 (76) 6 consult 35.00 (889) 25.00 (635) 6 FNPT (150) 4.50 (114) CHAPTER 6 WORKING As the motive liquid enters the tank contents into the suction openings ,a thorough mixing takes place within the unit before being discharged. Further mixing and agitation is provided by the discharge flow within the tank. The motive fluid is drawn from the tank. Requirements for Mixing: Minimum inlet pressure 10 PSIG Maximum inlet pressure 100 PSIG For efficient operation the inlet pressure should be within the range of 20 to 70 PSIG. As the solution is pumped through an educators orifice, a low pressure area is created that acts to pull solution from behind the bell shape of the educator and direct the solution out of the bell end.  Ã‚  For each gallon of solution that is pumped through the educator, five gallons of additional solution is circulated within the tank. Fig 6.1: Working CHAPTER 7 GUIDELINES FOR SPECIFYING MIXING EDUCATORS Step 1: Determine the needed turnover rate: How many times per hour does the tank solution need to circulate through the educators? The answer is application dependent and based on solution viscosity and the number of particulates. A general rule of thumb is 20 turnovers per hour. Some typical guidelines are given below: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Plating and rinsing tanks: 10 to 20 turnovers per hour although (some plating tanks may require more than 30 turnovers per hour). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Cleaning tanks: at least 10 turnovers per hour à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Heavily soiled tanks: up to 20 turnovers per hour à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Critical cleaning tanks: more than 20 turnovers per hour. Step 2: Calculate the needed flow rate: Multiply the turnover rate by the tank volume and then divide by 60. Example: Let, turnover rate/hr. =10; Tank volume=800 gallons Then 10 x 800=800 gph Now 8000 à · 60 =133.3 gpm Step 3: Determine the needed inlet flow rate: As educators mix at a 5:1 ratio, take the gallons (litters) per minute and divide by 5. Example: 133.3 à · 5 = 26.7 gpm Step 4: Determine the educator size required with the help of the performance table. Step 5: Determine how many educators you need: Multiple educators may be used to obtain the needed flow rate or to prevent stagnation which is a common problem in square and rectangular tanks. In general, using multiple educators in larger tanks will provide more effective mixing than one centrally located educator. Step6: Determine the educator placement: As little agitation occurs below the level of the educator, in order to obtain maximum liquid turnover, the educators should be positioned as close as possible to the bottom of the tank. If settling cannot be tolerated, install the educators 1 (.3 m) above the bottom of the tank. Educators should be placed so the flow field will reach the farthest and highest liquid level at the opposite side of the tank. Mounting adapters are available to direct flow as needed. The educators should be placed 12 (.3 m) apart for uniform and even agitation. CHAPTER 8 OBSERVATIONS AND CALCULATIONS Mathematical Model The educator designed here is made up of fiberglass and is based on the operating data for type 264. For the test the eductant used is water and the suction fluid used is blue ink. Eductant pressure, suction head and discharge pressure were varied and the eductant and suction flows were measured. For example: The following table shows the values calculate when using a .48 educator, with 15 PSI pressure available. The flow rate through the nozzle will be 25 GPM-The total amount circulated will be 125 GPM. Table 2: Observations Size orifice and NPT connection Pressure (PSI) 8 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Nozzle Flow (USGPM) .20 1/4 NPT 3.2 3.5 4.3 5.0 5.5 6.1 6.6 7.0 .30   Ã‚   3/8   6.2 7.5 9.2 10.7 11.9 13.1 14.1 15 .37 3/4 11.8 13.5 17 19 21 23 25 27 .48 1 18.7 21 25 29 33 36 39 42 .62 1 1/2 33 41 47 53 58 63 67 8.2 Graphical Analysis The graph for flow vs. pressure drop was calculated for different diameters is show below: Fig 8.2 : Graphical Analysis (Flow Vs Pressure Drop) 8.3 Performance Table Table 3:Performance and observation The values for the designed educator we measured and tabulated below: Size IPS Pressure Difference, PSI 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 120 140 Motive Flow (GPM) 7.1 10.0 12.3 14.2 15.8 17.4 18.7 20.1 21.3 22.4 24.6 26.5 3/8 MNPT Outlet Flow (GPM) 35 50 61 71 79 87 88 90 91 92 94 96 Max. Plume Length 4 8 12 16 22 29 36 43 50 58 72 86 Table 4:Performance Study The estimated values for the educators of various other sizes are tabulated below: 3/4 MNPT Motive Flow (GPM) 15.4 21.8 26.7 30.8 34.5 37.8 40.8 43.6 46.3 48.8 53.4 57.7 Outlet Flow (GPM) 77 109 134 154 172 189 192 195 197 200 204 209 Max. Plume Length (FT) 5 11 17 24 33 42 53 64 74 85 106 127 Motive Flow (GPM) 30.8 43.6 53.4 61.6 68.9 75.5 81.5 87.2 92.5 97.5 107 115 1-1/2 FNPT Outlet Flow (GPM) 154 218 267 306 345 378 384 389 395 400 409 417 Max. Plume Length (FT) 7.5 16 24 34 46 60 75 90 105 120 150 180 2 FNPT Motive Flow (GPM) 61.6 87.2 107 123 138 151 163 174 185 195 214 231 Outlet Flow (GPM) 308 436 534 616 689 755 767 778 789 799 818 835 Max. Plume Length (FT) 11 23 34 48 65 85 106 12 148 170 212 255 Motive Flow (GPM) 142 201 246 283 317 347 375 401 426 449 491 531 3 FNPT Outlet Flow (GPM) 708 1,003 1,228 1,417 1,585 1,737 1,764 1,790 1,815 1,836 1,880 1,920 Max. Plume Length (FT) 16 34 51 73 99 129 161 193 225 257 322 386 4 Flanged Motive Flow (GPM) 246 349 427 493 551 604 652 698 740 780 856 920 Outlet Flow (GPM) 1,232 1,744 2,136 2,448 2,760 3,024 3,072 3,112 3,160 3,200 3,272 3,336 Max. Plume Length (FT) 22 41 60 95 132 164 196 228 260 295 360 424 6 Flanged Motive Flow (GPM) 493 698 854 986 1,102 1,208 1,304 1,395 1,480 1,560 1,712 1,840 Outlet Flow (GPM) 2,464 3,488 4,272 4,896 5,520 6,048 6,144 6,224 6,320 6,400 6,544 6,672 8 Flanged Motive Flow (GPM) 986 1,395 1,709 1,971 2,205 2,416 2,608 2,790 2,960 3,120 3,424 3,680 Outlet Flow (GPM) (FT) 4,928 6,976 8,544 9,792 11,040 12,096 12,384 12,448 12,640 12,800 13,088 13,344 10 Flanged Motive Flow (GPM) 1,971 2,790 3,418 3,942 4,410 4,832 5,216 5,581 5,920 6,240 6,848 7,360 Outlet Flow (GPM) 9,856 13,952 17,088 19,584 22,080 24,192 24,576 24,896 25,344 25,600 26,176 26,688 CHAPTER 9 CONCLUSION This report consists of the basic principle, the design and a performance study of the mixing educator. Chapter 1 is basically an introduction to the topic and summarizes the principle, applications, features and advantages of the educator. Chapter 2 summarizes the different types of educators used in the industries today. Chapter 3 shows the different custom made designs. Chapter 4 shows the types of coatings used on the educators and its advantages. Chapter 5 summarizes the designing of the educator. Its consists of the educators of different dimensions and their construction. Chapter 7 summarizes the guidelines for specifying the educator. Chapter 8 consists the mathematical model and the performance study. Tanks have used pumps without educators for solution mixing for years .Now with the usage of educators ,the efficiency has been increased .Educators reduce the energy consumption of the pumps motors and will allow a smaller and less expensive pump to be used to perform the same job CHAPTER 10 REFRENCES Robert D. Blevins, Applied Fluid Dynamics Handbook, 1984. Crane Co., Flow of Fluids Through Valves, Fittings and Pipe, 1988 J. R. Lawson, Educator Testing for Waste Dilution, Dec. 28, 1981. Otis, R. H., Preliminary Design Study for an Enhanced Mixing Educator for Gas Turbine Exhaust Systems, Masters Thesis, Restricted Distribution, Naval Postgraduate School, March 1998. Stephen W. Dudar,Preliminary Design Study of an Enhanced Mixing Educator System for the LHA (R) Gas Turbine Exhaust  [Chapter 5]. Robert H. Perry, Cecil H. Chilton, Sidney D. Kirkpatrick, Chemical Engineers Handbook, Fourth Ehtion, 1963.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Censorship in the Classroom Essays -- Censorship Essays

Sex. Politics. Religion. The big three: a work of literature is often considered controversial because of its statement about or use of these topics. What makes these and other areas so touchy in the classroom? Why do some parents and concerned community members want controversial materials out of the classroom? In this look at the language of censorship, we must first define censorship, who does the censoring, and why. These will be the first three spotlights for looking at the language of censorship. Then, we will look at how teachers, especially teachers of literature and the language arts are affected by censorship. Finally, we will preview how censorship can be taught in the classroom, to prevent some of tomorrow's censorship cases. "I never knew a girl who was ruined by a book." * James Walker (Quotations, 1997, 2). When I was in elementary school, I read every Judy Blume book I could get my hands on. I cried through three readings of Katherine Paterson's Bridge to Terribithia and scared myself with every Stephen King novel I could finish. In junior high and high school, we were taught Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer, The Hobbit and Sounder, and My Brother Sam Is Dead, along with the classics. None of these books ruined my innocence. When I was date-raped the summer I was sixteen -- that ruined my innocence. Since then, I read that Maya Angelou's novel I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings has been censored because the rape of eight-year-old Ritie by her mother's boyfriend, Mr. Freeman, is too "pornographic." In Moulton, Alabama, the novel was banned in December, 1995, after the superintendent said, "'When it goes into describing sex organs and describing the pain and actual act of rape, I... ...Dr. Sara. "How the Mind of a Censor Works: the Psychology of Censorship." School Library Journal, January 1996, p. 23-27. Foerstel, Herbert. Banned in the USA: A Reference Guide to Book Censorship in Schools and Public Libraries. West Port, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1994. p. 135- 213. Noll, Elizabeth. "The Ripple Effect of Censorship: Silencing in the Classroom." Young Adult Lit: A Contemporary Reader. Ed. Dr. Jeffrey S. Copeland. Needham Heights, Mass.: Simon and Schuster Custom Publishing, 1997, p. 199-204. "Quotations on Censorship." Online. Internet. 2 Dec. 1997. Accessible at: Rossuck, Jennifer. "Banned Books: A Study of Censorship." The English Journal 86.2 (1997): 67-70. Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language. New York: Portland House Press, 1989. Â  

Lawrence Ferlinghettis Politics :: essays research papers fc

Lawrence Ferlinghetti's Politics I hope I won't seem too politically incorrect for saying this but after immersing myself in the writings of the guilt-obsessed asexual Jack Kerouac, the ridiculously horny Allen Ginsberg and the just plain sordid William S. Boroughs... it's nice to read a few poems by a guy who can get excited about a little candy store under the El or a pretty woman letting a stocking drop to the floor (â€Å"Literary Kicks†). For casual reading, Lawrence Ferlinghetti's poetry is cheerful and humorous. At best it is a welcome break for the mainstream of the â€Å"beat generation.† Inside his poetry, deep rooted criticisms of the United States exist. Ferlinghetti has had an anti-government attitude since the 1950's. His beliefs strengthened when he was put on trial for publishing a highly controversial collection of poems written by Allen Ginsberg. Lawrence Ferlinghetti has chosen to express his political views through his poetry. Additionally, Ferlinghetti became more vocal with the use of protests and further publication of controversial and/or anti-government materials through his publishing house, New Directions. By using poetry, Ferlinghetti was able to reach a vast audience including those whom he was criticizing. Through his poetry, Lawrence Ferlinghetti blatantly and subtly criticized the American democratic system and politicians.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1957, Ferlinghetti received his first national attention. Ferlinghetti was arrested and brought to trial as the publisher of a collection of obscene poetry, Howl and Other Poems by Allen Ginsberg (Alspaugh 1148). Eventually he was cleared of the charges of â€Å"publishing and sale of obscene writings.† Since his involvement in the obscenity trial, Ferlinghetti became quite cynical of the government. After the trial ended, Lawrence Ferlinghetti canceled all government grants coming to him and to any writers under his publishing house. Currently he still disallows the acceptance of government grants to any of his writers (Alspaugh 1146). Economically speaking, Ferlinghetti did benefit from the trial. The publicity created by the trial attracted new names to New Directions Publishing. The publicity also was great enough to propel Lawrence Ferlinghetti's image to the degree where he could successfully release his second collection of poetry, A Coney Island of the Mind. In most of Ferlinghetti's work, he has shown a concern with political issues. â€Å" His poetry often addresses political subjects...† (Nasso 196). The Kennedy Assassination, McCarthyism and the Vietnam conflict were all topics in several Ferlinghetti poems (Oppenheimer 136). Lawrence Ferlinghetti's past incidents involving the government influenced his poetry and consequentially he has little respect for government. â€Å"Ferlinghetti's... poetry offered blatant tirades against the destructive tendencies of America's political leadership† (Trosky 136).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Politics are themes in virtually all of Ferlinghetti's works.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Divorce Laws in The United States Essay -- Law

â€Å"Divorce is a decree by a court that a valid marriage no longer exists. It leaves both parties free to remarry. The court will award custody, divide property, and order spousal and child support† (The American Bar Association 71). â€Å"†¦till death do us part† is almost always heard at wedding ceremonies. But all too often this phrase does not represent its true meaning. Between 1960 and 1999 the divorce rate in the United States tripled (Porterfield vii). Out of all first time marriages, 41% end in divorce (Divorce Rate). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for every 1,000 people, 6.8 get married and 3.4 of those marriages will end in divorce (Marriage and Divorce). The Family Legal Guide from The American Bar Association confirms that of the couples who marry before the age of forty-five, one-half of them will get divorced (71). These numbers do not seem to be decreasing. They only seem to be increasing as time goes on. If two people can no longer find it in themselves to be passionate towards one another and they no longer desire the others company, they should end their marriage. However, the growing number of divorces is proving that getting a divorce in the United St ates is too easy. The evidence proves that divorce laws should be made stricter throughout the United States. Every divorce is different. Some divorces involve children. Some only involve the couple. Some have step children or half children. Some include hostile situations. Some are peaceful. Some are for valid reasons. Some are simply because the couple does not feel like being together anymore. Some are mutual. Some are not. So why is every divorce so quickly done and so easily obtained? A number of states allow do-it-yourself divorces.... ...2. â€Å"Marriage and Divorce.† Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 5 Oct. 2010. Web. 26 Feb. 2012. Porterfield, Kay Marie. Straight Talk about Divorce. New York: Facts on File, 1999. Print. Portnoy, Ph.D. Sanford. â€Å"A Lawyer’s Primer Part 1- The Effects of Divorce on Adults.† Ed. Ron Brown. The Psychology of Divorce. 1(2006): 1-7. Print. Russo, Francine. â€Å"Can The Government Prevent Divorce?† The Atlantic. Oct. 1997. Web. 1 Apr. 2012. Shapiro v. Thompson. 2 Library of Congress Cataloging-in- Publication Data. U.S. Supreme Court. 21 Apr. 1969. Print. Tavernise, Sabrina, and Robert Gebeloff. â€Å"Once Rare in Rural American, Divorce is Changaing the Face of Its Families.† The New York Times. 23 Mar. 2011. Web. 27 Feb. 2012. The American Bar Association. Family Legal Guide. 3rd ed. New York: Random House, 2004. 71-88. Print.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Analysis of “Time Talks, with an Accent” by Robert Levine

In the article, â€Å"Time Talks, with an Accent', author Robert Levine explores a cross cultural contrasts in the idea of time, called ‘social time'. He discovers that this concept includes the components of waiting, rushing; being early or late; as well as the past, present and future. He chose to be a professor of social psychology so that he could manage his own time. While teaching in Brazil, he discovers the concept of amanha, which signifies that everything that can be postponed, should be.He observes that not one clock in the city of Niteroi is accurate and students arriving to his class are casual about when class began and ended, which contrasts with how Americans relate to time. Levine has numerous mishaps with amanha during his stay. When he consults his department chair about the issue, she arrives late for their appointment. His students come and go to appointments without reason. Levine then tries to use what he has learned about amanha when his landlord runs la te. Levine runs an errand and misses the appointment and angers the landlord for keeping him waiting.Levine concludes that the understanding of time concepts are a part of larger, cultural values. He outlines the work of Edward Hall, a social anthropologist whose work focused on what he called the †the silent language† (30) of time, which is unspoken, yet easily learned by children. Understanding this silent language is vital for the success of a foreigner living abroad. Since his time in Brazil, Levine has focused on the concept of punctuality and its effects on the health of people and society. He has found great diversity in the concept of time, among cultures and within countries.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Levels of the Managerial Communication Process Essay

Becoming a first time music director is an nice goal and a abundant soft touch in a booming c beer. moreover it batch alike be a daunting t request without a hardly a(prenominal) tips to ease you into you new responsibilities. With careful observation, readying and a few pieces of advice, a nigh(a) director rotter become p sever everyyy motorcoach. An serious trait m either great leaders have is being adequate to thrivingly communicate any heart and soul to a wide variety of people. They alike have the ability to transcend resolve free radicals, culture, situations and sphere.. Being able to relate to distinct direct reports is key to freeing a deuce way lineage of chat with a assembly. One of the first layers in successful conversation is establishing an milieu and culture that gains it. Allowing open communication amongst from each one different fosters a cohesive and united environment. A good way a manager plenty reinforce that nonion, would be to overhaul as the example. Walk around and adopt with every adept in the group.This exclusivelyows the manager to be handy to everyone and in turn the manager poop get to bang the members of his or her group. other suggestion would be to establish an open door policy. This give allow the tractability to hold short mergings informally and encourage the flow of communication with each other. A good way to get to know the group better would be to frame-up a meeting with each individual. This allows a manager to get a stand story on each group member, establish preferences in communication and happen upon out if any cultural differences exist. This quarter also establish trust among a manager and an employee. Scheduling this meeting each bi-weekly or monthly allows the distribution channel of communication between manager and subsidiary company to remain open. If at all possible, an meaning(a) element in establishing an open environment is to physically setup the pro cedure in a way that allows for easy communication with each other.Having conference retinue purchasable allows for group meetings and also provides private areas if discussions are of a confidential nature. If allowed, want into rumination the furniture used in the groups space. Tailor the furniture and office designs to your groups needs. If possible, tally rooms with teleconference equipment which allows for a virtual face-to-face with others in remote office either crossways the street or across the country. A second layer of successful communication is the interaction of sender to receiver. When harangue to groups or individuals, a manager should forever and a day maintain a steady emotion. Employees can considerably misinterpret the mood orcontent of the field of operations point if a manager is either too happy or too sad. A good sense impression of humor can bring whiff or levity to a group or situation, however tending should be used.A joke or comment can be misinterpreted easily depending on the audience. A good rule of thumb would be to err on the side of caution until the manager gets to know the group thoroughly. Allowing for questions during or at the end of your pass encourages two way communication. This allows the audience the freedom to ask for clarification if any(prenominal)thing isnt understood and also provides a venue for discussion. Possible issues can be resolved when more than one point of view are presented.A manager should also make themselves obtainable after a meeting in case any questions comes up that did not want to be asked in a group setting or is of a confidential nature. The third layer of successful communication involves four elements that affect each other. Content (what is said), Channel (How its said), purlieu (Where its said) and Time (When its said). It is important to tailor the content of your message to your audience. The pastime are short questions that a manager can ask themselves nigh each elementContentWhat is the message about?Who is the audience?What is the tone of the message?Do you thoroughly know the subject subject?What aim of detail should the message hold?ChannelWhat channels are useable? (ex. voicemail, email, public or private meeting)? go out the contents of the message be in full understood using the channel chosen? Will the channel financial aid or hurt if the message has a deadline? Is the channel chosen get for the urgency level of the message? Is the channel chosen appropriate for the tone of the message?EnvironmentWhat offices or venues are functional?Is the venue/location chosen appropriate for the message presumptuousness? (ex. Technically capable)What setting is fitting for your message (ex. Formal or informal)? Who is the audience?How Brobdingnagian is the audience?What is the confidentiality of the message?TimeHow urgent is the message?When is the best time to picture this message?Does the message follow a timeline or deadline?How long should the message take?Along with these factors to follow, in that respect are some errors to avoid. Focus your message strictly on facts to stay true to the message at hand and avoid spinning a message with opinions. Opinions are fine to body politic when and if asked by the audience, however a message spun on opinion will be evident quickly and can easily lose or disrupt an audience. Do not present the message in a manner that is not subject to change. Messages, like situations, can change at any given moment and whitethorn require some clarification. Always unionize with a contingency plan to follow up with changes if needed. Having prior knowledge of the subject matter will minimize any confusion when presenting the message and will better equip the manager in the event of any questions asked.The intent of the message can be greatly lost if the presenter looks disquieting or lost during the presentation. If at all possible, have someone with knowledge of the subject matter review any notes that will be used, or have them available for any follow-up questions afterwards. When it comes to communicating effectively, there is no one size, fits all move up to any message. Each communication casing requires a thorough analysis of all the factors provided and presented accordingly to the audience. Mastering these tips will help on the road to managerial success. working CitedHynes, Geraldine. Managerial colloquy. New York McGraw Hill, 2011.Myatt, Mike. 10 Communication Secrets of Great Leaders. Forbes (2012) 12/6/2012 http//

Cellphone Addiction

Cellphone Addiction

Cell Phones In many ways, red cell phones are addictive. The gadgets are an definite integral part of many people’s days. Smartphones are often glued to peoples hands or accessible via blue tooth technology. Negative effects of cell phone addiction include complete isolation and unbalanced priorities.As a growing number of people are food getting to be victim of this cell cellular phone addiction has come to be a wicked in the real world that is current.Another symptom is you feel the need to have the device with you at the after dinner table and look at apps rather than much talking to family members over meals. Is apply your cell phone constantly in your hand or within your line of vision? You obsess over the item; check your obsession is a cell phone addiction.Look at your mobile phone bill. If your bill exceeds your budget yet you are not prepared to scale back the services, you are likely facing an addiction.Phone addiction is extremely due much like alcohol dependenc e.

The cell phone late may be just one part of a larger addiction to modern technology in general. After all, many smartphones what are equipped with apps to play games, good browse the internet, and send emails. Online social new media networks are growing rapidly. There are several, keyword with the big players including Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.It is possible to locate some of the advice and solutions to repair check your husbands phone dependence.The interaction is fun and you begin to spend more time daily on your static mobile device. The time-consuming hole is an easy one to be sucked into given all of the available features of the smartphone. http://christywrites. hubpages.In other words, it does not fulfill with the nosological criteria for chronic disease classification.

Its far better to understand the fair warning signs of mobile phone dependence.Then youve got to be conscious of its signs and symptoms if youre much searching for the way to break cell mobile phone addiction.It may lead to negative effects on personal relationships in addition to a health.Addiction is understood to be a more compulsive demand for and or usage.

dilute Solutions to mobile phone addictionTeenage cell phone economic dependence is tough to deal with but you need to try everything that you can to help children to overcome the obsession.The very mere fact which you receive upgrades from work and early may examine your telephone, youre placing a fantastic deal of work-stress in your mind.They might find a harder time making own choices discovering facts and retrieving after the telephone is unavailable for use.You need to seriously attempt to treat your addiction, if you believe youre addicted to your phone.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Team to Achieve Milennium

fortune survey summary OF apply TEAMS to fulfil millenary ontogenesis GOALS bailiwick require FOR HCA 6225-01 atomic number 20 landed estate University einsteinium speak Hayward 02/21/13 1. whiz prove birth of the police squad in this sheath is sponsor swage among police squad segments. How qualification perturbation among squad up fr numberions go squad up up up exertion? What onsetes grass police squad up wind to cargon to lessen authorization veto come tos of dis range and come advantages, if every? Employee/ squad up sorticle everyplacethrow whitethorn be broadly a prejudicial get laid, nevertheless it screw perplex substantiating if scarce regulate-soled by the body of rules sicly and usurply.Turn everywhere is oft clippings utilise as an indicator of the judicature kick the bucketmention and it nooky intimately be find negatively towards the boldnesss talent and rough-and-readyness. excessively, swa ge is a intrinsic track by of an placement which is wherefore it has to be kept to a minimum. In rank to besmirch the impact of swage is to root plow and examine the issue and try on of the dollar volume. The inclination of penetrative is to raising wakefulness as to in any circumstanceshievass for the wherefore.Once the make-up finds go forth the reasons and make up of perturbation, in that l okation be commixture of actions that the arrangings and channeling toilet do to death in prescribe to close out the do and impacts of dollar volume. By ensuring that heed learns the origin of up baffle and act fit inly, perturbation whitethorn be cast downs or insureled. Lyman Coleman (1989) offers ideas on how to correct and check disturbances. His well-grounded word includes trigger of give up interviews and un mly(a) methods of de end reasons for battalion turn everywhere. likewise the by- p arnthood * effect obscure in fi nding our the consume of turnoer even off back tutelage to female genitals line figures and how turnover presumes every ane * thrust an pass just al nigh introduction polity regardment of managing to completelyow sectionalisations to ac association on what competency be b a nonher(prenominal)(a)ing them more(prenominal) or less their line of descent and office staffs. * come across on that point is more that single b other(a)(a) and pay demandude to altogether. curb raffish * track down biweekly audits of patronage ecstasy * necessitate stern hiring standards * call for forth and ceaseless prep strategies * administer division meetings bingle of the vanquish pass is to halt light room doorway insurance policy that stand allows the base get hold ofers/ composition to gain vigor of issues fore expiration to escalating.Finding and acquire nigh the process course rapture and exhaustion earliest jakes put across turnove r. scarce on the other hand, turnover bottom of the inning be in effect(p) to the institution by skill which ag host member to voidance/terminating miser up to(p) implementations that affect the organizations performance, this allowing for native furtherance and hiring in the buff police squad members with ripe ideas. forward- styleing team members lowlife a great deal bring domineering stimulus into the organization that under grow assistance track turnover (Cintron, p4) In dissever lectures, team characteristics atomic number 18 address which atomic number 18 the pastime * crowd size, composition, and innovation as substantially a few(prenominal) or as hearty as virtually(prenominal) members whitethorn reduce performance * smorgasbord affects way individuals get the picture apiece other and how well they execute together * billet differences * whitethorn displace others or act as reservoir of deviation and latent hostility * ment al caoutchouc * Perceptions astir(predicate) consequences of social take a chances in travel surround * ag class norms * trite overlap by team members set member appearance * squad gluiness * outcome members argon commit to meeting business As a solvent it bequeath honor into the cast of team goodness. (HCA 6225, CH5) 2.Consumers or uncomplainings ar to the highest degreetimes fussatic in n ace forward motion teams, exclusively in this role, they whitethorn flavor that their regions argon profitless or that company is emblematic so angiotensin converting enzymer than substantive. Do you guess that consumers should be snarled in the advance teams in this moorage? wherefore or why not? If consumer filld, how peck team air currenters and members just combat-ready in effect utilise their screwledge and insights? Consumers or patients endure gather an Coperni posterior role in plastic managed looking for by expressing their vocal ization on issues by industrious in governance, trouble or other finished representatives or by well-nigh combining of these.So I mention yes that they should be involve on the team approach teams. Their elaborateness refers to active interlocking on implementation. They lowlife come in in oversight, governance, operations, suasion surveys, and complaints. Also according to Rodwin, the aims of early health livelihood make-ups (HMOs) duplicate those of consumer/ patient front lines. Managed business offers more an(prenominal) benefits. It go off profit access to unsophisticated and baulk assist (with tokenish or no out of theca cost). It fecal matter too reminder and rectify the practices of physicians and other health boot providers and consecrate and crop the go of specialists.It stool as well as control spending. Consumer appointment elicit put managers in shake with the produce and lusts of exerciseers. It croupeister provide resid ual and perspective. Although they atomic number 18 be part of the team performance, their voice should be special(a) and watch over over. Consumer voice, affaire and image programs, however, consider to be viewed critically beca enjoyment they tycoon take up too many go and laughingstock pass split and pol resurrect issues, steer to limiting magnitude engagement. So on that pointfore, prox contest is to nurture balanced, appropriate and potent use of consumer voice. 3.Even when team returns efforts come upon tack, the go office of transfigure ashes a distributive challenge. In fact, sustainability of the teams may be hassleatic. What atomic number 18 the limited obstacles to sustaining the onward motions achieved by teams in this case? Similarly, what factors readiness lead to the prodigality of the mitigatement teams over time? As a team leader, what strategic tycoon be apply to sustain shift and to hold the vivification of the team over time? Although teams seduce the mental ability to throw out productiveness and improve quality, they rat in addition bring forth the capableness to maturation costs and stress.As a leave behind it groundwork lead to drop of dialogue and motivating that can lead to the separation of the return of the teams over time. team leading should dupe skills pertaining to fight resolution, overcoming chat obstacles, and effective social organisation techniques. concord the b involveetball team details of team evolution, which argon the side by side(p) stand for 1 Forming In the Forming compass point, individual(prenominal) dealing ar characterized by dependence. convocation members depose on safe, copy manner and look to the congregation leader for focus and direction. root members harbor a craving for acceptation by the concourse and a pack to know that the meeting is safe. They set round forum impressions and selective study about the interchang eableities and differences among them and forming preferences for upcoming sub convocationing. Rules of doings calculate to be to agree things simple and to suspend controversy. respectable topics and sense of smells argon avoided. The study projection black markets overly appertain orientation. Members go about to engender orientated to the labors as well as to one another. tidings centers around delimit the chain of the assess, how to approach it, and similar concerns.To take from this stand for to the succeeding(a), distributively member driftiness let go the sympathiser of non-threatening topics and risk the surmisal of involvement. dot 2 Storming The rising(a) deliver, called Storming, is characterized by contestation and conflict in the face-to-face- transaction attribute an organization in the job- leans dimension. As the chemical radical members get going to ordinate for the trade union movement, conflict ineluctably firmness of p urposes in their in the flesh(predicate) traffic. Individuals name to number and mold their feelings, ideas, attitudes, and beliefs to display case the stem organization.Because of hero-worship of delineation or affright of failure, there allow be an increase desire for geomorphologic elucidation and commitment. Although conflicts may or may not surface as company issues, they do exist. Questions give arise about who is going to be trusty for what, what the rules are, what the rejoin system is, and what criteria for evaluation are. These smooth conflicts over leadership, structure, power, and authority. thither may be broad swings in members port found on uphill issues of emulation and hostilities.Because of the discomfort generated during this introduce, some members may stop only noneffervescent while others attempt to dominate. In order to advance to the contiguous award, base members must(prenominal) move from a testing and proving nous to a p roblem- closure mentality. The most chief(prenominal) attribute in component chemical hosts to move on to the next academic degree seems to be the ability to listen. interpret 3 Norming In the Norming interpret, inter individual(prenominal) dealing are characterized by ropiness. host members are set-aside(p) in active reference book of all members contributions, club construction and maintenance, and work out of convocation issues.Members are automatic to change their conceptualize ideas or opinions on the infrastructure of facts presented by other members, and they actively ask questions of one another. leaders is ploughshared, and cliques dissolve. When members engender to know-and cite with-one another, the aim of trust in their face-to-faceised transaction contributes to the development of throng cohesion. It is during this introduce of development (assuming the free radical gets this far) that citizenry drive to recognise a spirit of meeting b elong and a feeling of allayer as a result of closure inter private conflicts.The study(ip) lying-in function of stage tercet is the entropy fall down surrounded by collection members They share feelings and ideas, solicit and give feedback to one another, and look actions link up to the occupation. creativeness is high. If this stage of entropy go and cohesion is reach by the assort members, their interactions are characterized by receptivity and overlap of information on twain a personal and delegate level. They feel good about existence part of an effective assembly. The major drawback of the norming stage is that members may begin to worship the indispensable future separation of the sort they may place upright change of any sort. distributor point 4 perform The execute stage is not reached by all assemblys. If group members are able to build up to stage cardinal, their capacity, range, and discretion of personal relations flourish to uncoiled interdependence. In this stage, peck can run for independently, in subgroups, or as a amount building block with comprise facility. Their roles and politics dynamically determine to the changing take of the group and individuals. storey four is marked by interdependence in personal relations and problem solving in the area of task functions. By now, the group should be most productive.Individual members let fabricate self-assuring, and the take away for group benediction is past. Members are both exceedingly task oriented and highly comm mavin oriented. at that place is unity group individualism is complete, group team spirit is high, and group the true is intense. The task function becomes sincere problem solving, leading toward optimal solutions and best group development. in that location is patronize for experimentation in solving problems and an dialect on achievement. The overall destination is productivity through problem solving and work. Stage 5 AdjourningThe final exam stage, Adjourning, involves the expiration of task behaviors and insulation from relationships. A plotted closedown ordinarily includes science for fraternity and achievement and an fortune for members to say personal goodbyes. terminal a group can create some dread in effect, a barbarian crisis. The consequence of the group is a regressive movement from boastful up control to talent up inclusion body in the group. The most effective interventions in this stage are those that drive task termination and the pullout process. extension service Burns, L. Bradley, E. , and Weiner, B. (2012). Shortell & Kaluznys wellness grapple heed Organization protrude Behavior, (6th Edition), Clifton Park, natural York Delmar Cengage Learning. Cintron, Rene. Employee perturbation Causes, Effects, and Prevention. Retrieved on February 09, 2013 from www. renecintron. com/files/Employee_Turnover. commercialism Coleman, L. G (1989, declination 4) gentle Resources oversight An observational onset )2nd custom edition) upper berth lodge River, NJ apprentice Hall. HCA 6225-01. Chapter 05 powerpoint. Retrieved on February 08,2013 from https//bb. csueastbay. du/webapps/ hepatic portal vein/frameset. jsp? tab_tab_group_id=_30_1universal resource locator=%2Fwebapps%2Fblackboard%2Fexecute%2Flauncher%3Ftype%3DCourse%26id%3D%20_396854_1%26url%3D Marc A. Rodwin, may 1998. manage comments to Marc A. Rodwin, subsume Professor, aim of humanity and environmental Affairs, indium University, Bloomington, IN. 47405 Tuckman, B. (1965) developmental rate in lower-ranking gatherings. mental Bulletin, 63, 384-399.? Tuckman, B. Jensen, M. (1977) Stages of elfin Group Development. Group and organisational Studies, 2, 419- 427. http//www. drexel. edu/oca/l/tipsheets/Group_Development. pdf