Monday, December 23, 2019

The Banking Concept Of Education - 1277 Words

True Education at Its Best In The Banking Concept of Education, Paulo Freire evaluates the teacher-student relationship and the concept of Banking education which he thought not to be a suitable process of education. Education is a systematic body of knowledge that is acquired through life experiences, schooling, and the environment. It is an important tool that applies in the contemporary world to succeed and to mitigate life challenges. Also, the knowledge gained through education enables individuals potential to be effectively used due to the training of the human mind. For this, educating requires partial control from the learner s side, partial control from the instructor s side, reliance on an amicable conversation and partial contribution by the environment. And, to best be educated, one must be willing to admit his/her ignorance and unawareness, humble himself to the level of the unknown and is willing to accept such knowledge that is obtained not just through schooling, bu t through life experiences as well. Education is defined as gaining knowledge of a lifetime through one s experiences, lessons and the experiences of others. Also, it is the act of steadily acquiring knowledge to better oneself even if that, at times, could be detrimental to others. However, at times, education is best achieved through manipulation. For instance, in order to learn from his peers, Fredrick Douglass would either bribe the hungry children with bread,Show MoreRelatedThe Banking Concept Of Education958 Words   |  4 PagesIn the excerpt from â€Å"The Banking Concept of Education† the author, Paulo Freire explains the critical flaw in the current education system. He continues by offering his believed solution to this problem. The two concepts Freire discusses in this excerpt are the â€Å"banking concept† of education and the â€Å"problem-posing method† of education. The â€Å"banking concept† is talked about rather negatively, whereas the â€Å"problem-posing method† is talked about highly. Freire believes in the â€Å"problem-posing method†Read MoreThe Banking Concept Of Education904 Words   |  4 PagesFor many years education in the United States has been taught the same way over and over again. It has put children through many years of boring lectures to learn something and eventually will be forgotten. In the Banking concept Freire gives his opinion on the traditional way students have learned for many years. He Calls it the Banking Concept of Education, it is when a student knows nothing and the teacher has to educate them with boring long lectures that will eventually be forgotten by the schoolRead MoreThe Banking Concept Of Education881 Words   |  4 Pages The banking concept is a term used by Paulo Freire to describe the â€Å"traditional† educational system. With this concept, students seem to learn all they need to know by narration of the teachers. â€Å"Narration leads the stu dents to memorize mechanically the narrated account†(Freire, page 1). Because of this method, students are being referred to as depositors since teachers’ deposit information into their brains and the students receive, memorize and repeat. This concept has shown that people lack creativityRead MoreThe Banking Concept Of Education951 Words   |  4 PagesWhen I first read Freire’s writing, â€Å"The ‘Banking Concept’ of Education†, I felt really passionate about it. The reason I felt so passionate about it, was because once upon a time I wanted to be a teacher. Until I began to see the struggles that teachers’ had, trying to teach large class sizes all of the same information. The longer the teachers taught, the more they lost their passion. In class there was never enough time for teachers to show their passion, or explain why they really loved the subjectRead MoreThe Banking Concept Of Education Essay1834 Words   |  8 Pageshours s tudying. We could agree that the method of our education has also been the same; listening, note taking, memorizing, and hoping to God that we did not just bomb our most recent test. What if someone told us in high school that this grueling and boring process was all wrong? Well, this is exactly what, Paulo Freire, a Brazilian educator and philosopher, proposes in his essay, â€Å"The Banking Concept of Education.† Freire argues â€Å"banking education† stunts and discourages critical thinking and creativityRead MoreSummary Of The Banking Concept Of Education1519 Words   |  7 PagesDominants and Subordinates in Education In â€Å"The ‘Banking’ Concept of Education,† from the Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Revised Edition, Paulo Freire discusses two different types of education: â€Å"banking† and problem-posing. The banking concept of education is when teachers â€Å"make deposits which the students patiently receive, memorize, and repeat† (318), and ‘problem posing’ is when the teachers and students are equal. Instead of being treated as human beings that have their own thoughts and ideas,Read MoreThe Banking Concept Of Education Summary1133 Words   |  5 Pages0701 23 September 2017 The Banking Concept of Education In the essay, â€Å"The Banking Concept of Education†, Paulo Freire compares two teaching concepts used in education, which are the â€Å"banking concept† and â€Å"problem-posing†. In the â€Å"banking concept†, the educator assumes that the students are passive, so they take full control and instill students with information without explaining it to them or receive their input. Freire believes that problem-posing education allows people to develop their humanRead MoreBanking Concept of Education Essay685 Words   |  3 PagesBanking Concept of Education Philosopher and educator Paulo Freire once said, â€Å"Education either functions as an instrument which is used to facilitate integration of the younger generation into the logic of the present system and bring about conformity or it becomes the practice of freedom, the means by which men and women deal critically and creatively with reality and discover how to participate in the transformation of their world.† In Freire’s work of â€Å"the Banking Concept of Concept†, he describesRead MoreThe Teaching Concept Of Banking Education1098 Words   |  5 PagesPhilosophy Statement Essay Introduction Effective teachers are able to meet the student’s individual needs by modifying the curriculum, being involved in the community and involving the parents in the student s education. I teach in San Luis, AZ, a community composed mainly of Hispanic families and Spanish is the primary language. In order to build a positive relationship with the community and parents, it is important to understand and implement the culture in the curriculum. Setting an open doorRead More The Banking Concept of Education and The Achievement of Desire1463 Words   |  6 PagesThe Banking Concept of Education and The Achievement of Desire Education is a topic that can be explored in many ways. Education is looked at in depth by both Richard Rodriguez in his essay, â€Å"The Achievement of Desire†, and by Paulo Freire in his essay, â€Å"The ‘Banking’ Concept of Education.† After reading both essays, one can make some assumptions about different methods of education and exactly by which method Rodriguez was taught. The types of relationships Rodriguez had with his teachers

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Technology Ruining Our Future Generations Free Essays

Patricia Gilpin Mrs. Rakauskas ENC 1101-06B 3 May 2011 Technology: Ruining our Future Generations? When the computer made its first appearance in America, it was about the size of a room and not many people had access or any knowledge on how it is used. Today, technology has advanced to the point that everything can be accessed by a cell phone the size of a deck of cards, or even smaller. We will write a custom essay sample on Technology: Ruining Our Future Generations? or any similar topic only for you Order Now Technology has become an amazing way to connect to information and people that would otherwise be unavailable, but has it taken over? If technology comes to an abrupt stop and crashes will the nation know what to do? Have they become too used to the aspect of having the world at such an easy grasp that they’ve forgotten how to live without it? Kids are inside delving into fantasy worlds by means of video games, and online networking cites such as Facebook instead of going outside and enjoying sports and adventuring with friends. Technology is allowing society to lose sight of reality, and although the means of receiving technology are now smaller than ever, technology itself has become a giant that needs to be stopped. Technological advances are evident while looking around anywhere in the world today. Cars now have the ability to parallel park themselves, cell phones can pinpoint exact locations, robots are starting to be used to assist in surgeries, and more advances like this are made on a day to day basis. Technological advances make work easier and quicker for a lot of occupations, and it allows for endless possibilities in the medical and health care system. These advances have allowed humans to reach a height of intelligence that otherwise would’ve been impossible. It has allowed for discoveries, innovations, and changes that are positive. Those positive changes and innovations are going to continue to amaze the world, but with all these advances it’s hard to imagine a life without technology that, not too long ago, was a reality. Technology rose to new heights with the first computers and cell phones, and has very quickly transformed adding things like internet, media, iPods, laptops, smart phones, and robots. Many children growing up with all these technological advances have never experienced a world without them, and probably wouldn’t know what to do if the time came that technology disappeared. Just a decade ago, children used to be outside at parks playing sports, adventuring, and using their imagination to delve into the world for the first time. Today 80 percent of children are obese and spend their time in front of their computers and xbox, delving into a world that’s not real. They see themselves in video games doing things that they could never do in reality. Besides opening up their eyes to intense violence, video games have replaced the need for children to get out of their house and join activities. Internet and networking cites have allowed children and adults alike to become the self that they could never actually be. If they can be all they’ve dreamed about in a virtual reality, why would they want to actually go outside and join a society that is a lot less accepting then their virtual world? In 2012 a video game for the xbox Kinect is being introduced called Project Milo. The xbox Kinect is the latest technological advance for video games, and has a full body sensor that picks up the player’s body movements and can transfer them to the screen. Essentially, the player becomes the controller. Milo is a virtual friend that can recognize the player and their emotions, and he has a vocabulary that allows him to actually understand and have intelligent conversations with the player. The player can walk in place in front of the screen and go for a walk with Milo to a lake, where they can view their own reflection. Milo tells the player about his day, and the player shares information about theirs. Milo has the potential to be very destructive to any child who is picked on, and has troubles or fears about meeting new friends. With a video game like Milo, these children don’t have to face their fears of going and meeting friends when they can just go home and hang out with their buddy Milo. If these basic steps like facing fears and learning how to talk and connect with actual people aren’t reached during development, where will that lead our future generations? Besides being obese, a majority of adolescence who decide to play this game will lose their ability to function in a real society. Most children have also been around technology for their whole lives and don’t know a life without it. Children are our future, and they need to be taught how the world works when it’s a little more difficult than clicking a button to get the answers they’re striving for. In 2000 the world was up in arms when they thought computers were going to crash as the millennium turned, this event was referred to as the Y2K. Panic arose and people were locking themselves in their houses with food stocked up, riots happened in the streets, and many people were sincerely scared at the thought that all technology was going to crash. Luckily, 2000 came and went with no major Y2K event, and technology has continued to advance. Just because the Y2K didn’t happen in 2000, doesn’t mean that there won’t be a time when computers do crash. Whether its weather, war, or simply electricity overloads, the threat of technology suddenly disappearing is too real to ignore. Children who have never lived in a world without technology will soon be adults, and they need a reality check that an event like this could happen any day. To help lower the risk associated with technological advances, students should be taught what to do in if a situation like this occurs- they are our future. There should be more programs that don’t just give the option, but require students to go outside and broaden their imagination with sports, arts and crafts, music, and all the activities that technology is slowly taking away from the youth. Kinect, although an amazing advance for video games, should not put out something like a virtual friend- there is no need for it. Technological advances are great in medicine, media, and work environments everywhere but that doesn’t mean it should take the place of actual human contact and relationships. If it’s allowed to do that, there will be a dim future to look forward to, or in this case, look down upon. Gilpin How to cite Technology: Ruining Our Future Generations?, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Classical and Neo Classical Theories free essay sample

Classical and Neo-Classical Theories of Management Classical management theory There are three well-established theories of classical management: Taylor,s Theory of Scientific Management, Fayol’s Administrative Theory, Weber’s Theory of Bureaucracy. Although these schools, or theories, developed historical sequence, later ideas have not replaced earlier ones. Instead, each new school has tended to complement or coexist with previous ones. Theory recognizing the role that management plays in an organization. The importance of the function of management was first recognized by French industrialist Henri Fayol in the early 1900s. In contrast to the purely scientific examination of work and organizations conducted by F W Taylor, Fayol proposed that any industrial undertaking had six functions: technical; commercial; financial; security; accounting; and managerial. Of these, he believed the managerial function, ‘to forecast and plan, to organize, to command, to coordinate, and control’, to be quite distinct from the other five. Fayol also identified general principles of management: division of work; authority and responsibility; discipline; unity of command; unity of direction; subordination of individual interest to general interest; remuneration of personnel; centralization; scalar chain of authority; order; equity; stability of tenure of personnel; initiative; and esprit de corps. Fayols views on management remained popular throughout a large part of the 20th century. Evolution of Classical Approach to Management Traditional process of learning is either through obsevation and experiment. Nature or environment is considered uniform and when we observe certain phenomenon or events uniformly leading to the same result or results, we conclude a cause and effect relationship between the two. This is learning by observation or in other words by experience. Earlier thinkers on management followed this approach in developing theories of management. Learning principally is through emphirical process and through analysis of the data collected through observation. Draw the principles of managment by looking at and anyalysing the jobs that all managers commonly do. This approach served as a starting point for pioneers on management science to verify the validity and improve the applicability of the principles and practices of management. Analysis of observd data is what constitute a case study. The observational method of case study helps arriving at logical conclusions about past experience and to test the same as standards for future events. The German sociolists, Max Weber followed the classical approach and developed his theory of Bureaucracy, which portrays the structure anddesign of organisation charqacterised by a hierarchy of authority, formalised rules and regulations that serve to guide the coordinated functioning of an organization. Basic Postulates of the Classical Approach by Max Weber 1. Management of an organization is considered as a chain of inter-related functions. The study of the scope and features of these functions, the sequence through which these are performed and their inter-relationship leads one to draw principles of management suitable for universal application 2. Learning principles of management is done through the past experiences of actual practicing managers 3. As business environment consists of uniform cycles exhibiting an underlying unity of realities, functions and principles of management derived through process of empirical reasoning are suitable for universal application 4. Emerging new managers through formal education and case study can develop skill and competency in management concepts and practices 5. The clasasical approach also recognised the importance of economic efficiency and formal organizational structure as guiding pillars of management effectigveness. 6. Business activity is based on economic benefit. Organizations should therefore control economic incentives Neoclassical theory of management There are 3 neoclassical theories: Human Relations theory : Explains the modern advancement of Human Relations Management theory which takes into account human factors like the employer-employee relationship. Human relations theory is largely seen to have been born as a result of the Hawthorne experiments which Elton Mayo conducted at the Western Electrical Company. The important strand in the development of modern management was the increase in attention to the human factors, which has become known as the human relations school of management. ’ The core aspect of Human Relations Theory is that, when workers were being observed and included in the research, they felt more important and valued by the company. As a result, their productivity levels went up significantly. This represented a significant departure from many of the classical theories, particularly Fordism, as it went against the notion that management needed to control workers, and remove their autonomy at every step. Instead, it showed that by engaging with workers and considering their requirements and needs, company’s could benefit from increased productivity. Behavioral theory : The behavioral management theory is often called the human relations movement because it addresses the human dimension of work. Behavioral theorists believed that a better understanding of human behavior at work, such as motivation, conflict, expectations, and group dynamics, improved productivity. The theorists who contributed to this school viewed employees as individuals, resources, and assets to be developed and worked with — not as machines, as in the past. Several individuals and experiments contributed to this theory. Social systems theory. : Developed by Niklas Luhmann is an option for the theoretical foundation of Human Resource Management (HRM). After clarifying the advantages of using a grand (social) theory as the basic theoretical perspective, the roots of this social systems theory the deterministic view of systems as machines, the open systems approach and non-linear systems theory are addressed. Based on the view of social systems as autopoietically closed systems, five major contributions to a theoretical foundation of HRM are identified: (1) the conceptualisation of organising and managing human resources as social processes, thus overcoming an individualistic angle; (2) the new importance of individuals as essential element in the systems environment; (3) the abstention form far reaching or highly unrealistic assumptions about the nature of human beings; (4) the interaction between various levels and units of analysis built into the theory which is essential for comprehensive and in-depth analyses of HR phenomena and (5) the openness for additional theories for which social systems theory provides the overall framework. George Elton Mayo was in charge of certain experiments on human behavior arried out at the Hawthorne Works of the Western Electric company in Chicago between 1924 and 1927. His research findings have contributed to organizational development in terms of hu man relations and motivation theory. Elton Mayos contributions came as part of the Hawthorne studies, a series of experiments that rigorously applied classical management theory only to reveal its shortcomings. The Hawthorne experiments consisted of two studies conducted at the Hawthorne Works of the Western Electric Company in Chicago from 1924 to 1932. The first study was conducted by a group of engineers seeking to determine the relationship of lighting levels to worker productivity. Surprisingly enough, they discovered that worker productivity increased as the lighting levels decreased — that is, until the employees were unable to see what they were doing, after which performance naturally declined. A few years later, a second group of experiments began. Harvard researchers Mayo and F. J. Roethlisberger supervised a group of five women in a bank wiring room. They gave the women special privileges, such as the right to leave their workstations without permission, take rest periods, enjoy free lunches, and have variations in pay levels and workdays. This experiment also resulted in significantly increased rates of productivity. In this case, Mayo and Roethlisberger concluded that the increase in productivity resulted from the supervisory arrangement rather than the changes in lighting or other associated worker benefits. Because the experimenters became the primary supervisors of the employees, the intense interest they displayed for the workers was the basis for the increased motivation and resulting productivity. Essentially, the experimenters became a part of the study and influenced its outcome. This is the origin of the term Hawthorne effect, which describes the special attention researchers give to a studys subjects and the impact that attention has on the studys findings.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Vampire Lestat Essays - Lestat De Lioncourt, Nicolas De Lenfent

Vampire Lestat This book is about the life of Lestat de Lioncourt, later known as the Vampire Lestat. Lestat is writing The Vampire Lestat to let the other vampires around the world know that he is still around. He has been underground for a couple hundred years, but decides to come to the surface when he hears wonderful music by radio waves. Lestat begins the story with him at twenty-one years old, in the 1700s. He, his horse, and his two mastiff dogs have gone to the surrounding woods to kill wolves that have been terrorizing his town. When he encounters the wolves, there are more than he has expected, and he loses his two dogs that he raised from puppies, his horse, and narrowly escapes with his life. He has killed all eight wolves. When he finally reaches home, bloodied and extremely tired, he is shocked at himself, and stays in his room for days. He missed his dogs, and he got new puppies, but it wasn't the same. He was also shocked that he had killed eight wolves by himself. He felt almost like a murderer. His near-death was also a reason for him staying closed in his room, with only servants coming in and out with food. Then, one evening, his mother, whom he loved dearly, the only one in his family he loved, came and spoke to him. She told him that she was dying. There was a consistent sharp pain in her lungs, and the doctors had told her she wouldn't live more than a year. This deeply troubles Lestat, because other than his mother, he really has no one in the world he can rely on. His father does not respect his choices in life, and is cruel to Lestat, as are Lestat's two brothers. His mother also has a conversation with him, which is highly unusual for her. She tells him she should befriend Nicholas de Lenfent, a boy in the town about the same age as Lestat. After waiting over a week, Lestat finally goes down to see Nicholas at a bar, and they hit it off and become friends immediately. One night, when Nicholas and Lestat were in one of Nicholas's private rooms, drunk as usual, when Lestat says something that scares him terribly. He was telling Nicholas about his mother, as he tells Nicholas everything, and he says, " We're going to die and not even know. We'll never know, and all this meaningless will go on and on and on. And we won't any longer be witnesses to it. We won't have even that little bit of power to give in meaning in our minds. We'll just be gone, dead, dead, dead without ever knowing!" What he means is that when we die, there'll be nothing. He's saying that even after life is over we'll never know what we were here for. Lestat then fully understood what he was saying. "There was no judgment day, no final explanation, no luminous moment in which all terrible moments would be made right, all horrors redeemed. The witches burnt at the stake would never be avenged. No one was ever going to tell us anything!" This thought of the sudden end of everything about him with no answers at all terrified him. He said "Oh!" and he just kept saying it over and over, all night. He was so horrified with this thought. Nicholas assured Lestat that this feeling would pass, but it never did. It always lurked in the back of his mind somewhere. News that Lestat had "lost his religion" reached Lestat's mother. His mother spoke to him, and asked him what was the matter. Lestat told her as much of the truth as he could without scaring her more than she already was about dying. She was already so afraid of dying, and Lestat did not want to cause her more pain. Lestat's mother gave Lestat a few gold coins, the last of her savings, and told Lestat to go away to Paris, which had always been Lestat's dream. When Lestat refused to take her money; refused to leave her, she told him that she wanted to know he was safe in Paris before she died. She also reminded him that there was nothing here but a father and two brothers who don't love him and will never let him fulfill his dream, because his dream was to be an actor, and noble families like Lestat's do not act. Lestat told Nicholas that

Monday, November 25, 2019

Human Homeostasis Gizmo Essay Example

Human Homeostasis Gizmo Essay Example Human Homeostasis Gizmo Paper Human Homeostasis Gizmo Paper Gizmo Warm-up To survive, an organism must be able to maintain stable internal conditions in a changing environment. This process is called homeostasis. The Human Homeostasis Gizmoâ„ ¢ allows you to explore how the human body stays at a nearly constant temperature in different conditions. Notice the Air temp. and Body temp. thermometers representing the air temperature and body temperature. 1. What is the initial air temperature? _32 degrees F_____ 2. What is the initial body temperature? __99 degrees F__ 3. Next to each factor listed below, write â€Å"increase,† â€Å"decrease,† or â€Å"same† based on how you expect that factor to affect body temperature. Raising air temperature: __same____Sweating: __decrease___ Lowering air temperature: ___increase___Shivering: __increase___ Adding clothing: __increase_____Exercising: ___increase_____ Activity A: |Get the Gizmo ready: |[pic] | | |If necessary, click Reset ([pic]). | | |Body temperature | | | Question: What factors increase or decrease body temperature? 1. Observe: With the Air temp. at 0  °C (32  °F) and Body temp. at 37  °C (99  °F), click Play ([pic]). After one simulated hour (does not have to be exact), click Pause ([pic]). What is the body temperature after one hour? ____97  °F ______________________ 2. Gather data: Fill in the first line of the data table below. Then, use the same procedure to test the effect of each of the following factors. Click Reset between each trial. Record the initial and final body temperatures in the table below. (Leave the last column blank. ) Set the Exercise level to 70%. (All other settings in default position. ) Set the Sweat level to 70%. Under Body position, select Shivering. Next to Clothing, click Add four times to add a sweatshirt, hat, pants, and parka. |Factor |Initial body temp. |Body temp. fter one |Effect of factor on body temperature | | | |hour | | |Standing still |99 |97 |decreased | | Exercising |99 |102 |increased | |Sweating |99 |93 |decreased | |Shivering |99 |99 |same | |Adding clothing |99 |99 |same | 3. Analyze: To determine the effect of a factor on body temperature, compare the final body temperature with that factor to the final body temperature while standing still. Based on this comparison, fill in the last column of the data table. A. Which factor raised body temperature the most? ___Exercising___________ B. Why do you think this process raises body temperature? __Your body is doing the most movement and it requires several parts of the body C. Which factor lowered body temperature the most? _____Sweating_______ D. Why do you think this process lowers body temperature? __it lowers body temperature to maintain the body’s equilibrium |Activity B: |Get the Gizmo ready: |[pic] | | |Click Reset. | | |Thermoregulation | | | Introduction: Thermoregulation is the process in which a steady temperature is maintained inside the body. Some responses to temperature changes, such as sweating and shivering, are involuntary- they occur automatically. Other actions, such as exercising or putting on clothes, are called voluntary responses because they are things we have to think about doing. Question: In the Human Homeostasis Gizmo, you can control both involuntary and voluntary responses to temperature changes. How good are you at thermoregulation? 1. Play the Gizmo: Click Play. After one hour, the air temperature will start to fluctuate. Using what you have learned, try to maintain a steady body temperature by manipulating the Exercise level, Sweat level, Body position, and Clothing. (You may wish to click Pause occasionally to give yourself time to think. ) Click Pause after at least 10 hours have passed, if you can survive that long! Select the GRAPH tab and click the camera ([pic]) to take a snapshot of the graph. Paste that snapshot here. [pic] What does this graph show? __It shows for the most part, boy temperature was consistent as the air temperature changed. ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 2. Investigate: Click Reset. Click Play, and deliberately create a situation in which the body temperature gets so low that the simulation stops. A. How did you do this? Exercised in extremely cold weather without much clothing B. What is the name for this condition? Severe Hypothermia C. At what body temperature is immediate medical treatment required? __88  °F ____ 3. Investigate: Click Reset. Click Play, and create a situation in which the body temperature gets so high that the simulation stops. A. How did you do this? __ The person continuously exercised for several hours without resting. The person died from moderate dehydration _ B. What is the name for this condition? ____Heat Stroke_____________________ C. At what body temperature is immediate medical treatment required? __106  °F _____ 4. Challenge yourself: Click Reset. Click Play, and see if you can maintain a constant body temperature of 37  °C (99  °F) for 24 simulated hours or more. You will have to click Drink water or Eat food to avoid dehydration (lack of water) and low blood sugar. If the Fatigue level gets too high, you will have to rest. If you succeed, click Pause. Select the GRAPH tab and click the camera ([pic]) to take a snapshot of the graph. Paste that snapshot here. [pic] 5. Analyze: Select the TABLE tab. The air temperature and body temperature are recorded every hour. Scroll through the table to find the highest and lowest air temperatures. A. What was the highest air temperature you had to deal with? __35 C________ B. How did you respond to this temperature? __Drank lots of fluids, ate good and exercised more, so it could sweat C. What was the lowest air temperature in the simulation? __-12 C_____________ D. How did you maintain a constant body temperature at this time? __I put on a lot of clothing and exercised/ sometimes rested____________ 6. Think and discuss: Other than the options available in the Human Homeostasis Gizmo, what other methods are used to maintain body temperature? Try to think of both voluntary and involuntary responses. Changes in breathing rates, getting rest, as in sleeping, avoiding drugs and intoxicants

Friday, November 22, 2019

What is the PARCC Test? Everything You Need to Know

Standardized testing has long been a hot-button topic, and with good reason. While proponents say these tests are crucial for measuring both student and teacher performance, critics argue that they take valuable time away from learning. In recent years, a great deal of the conversation has focused on the PARCC test, or Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers. Whether you’re a student taking the PARCC for the first time, a teacher administering the exam, or a parent with school-age children, it pays to know what this process entails. Read on for everything you need to know about PARCC. PARCC refers to a collection of exams administered to public school students on a yearly basis. Developed by experts from multiple states, PARCC exams are designed to measure student progress while establishing Common Core standards for grades 3-11. Not only do states examine student performance by school, identifying problem areas, but schools assess individual student performance to determine where extra help may be required. The tests serve as replacements for older forms of standardized testing. However, that doesn’t mean the majority of educators are on board. As of 2018, only New Mexico, New Jersey, and the District of Columbia were still administering the full exam , while states like Colorado and Louisiana were incorporating just some PARCC questions into their own assessments. Administered at the end of the school year, the tests are designed to assess both problem solving and critical thinking. Their goal is to ensure students are prepared for college and their professional lives. Additionally, the PARCC test ensures students are learning based on the Common Core standards . Because students take the PARCC test on a computer, numerous accommodations are available for those with learning challenges and disabilities. The PARCC exams consist of two components: English/language arts and math. For the English/language arts portion of the exam, students read fiction and nonfiction passages, watch videos, and listen to audio recordings. Then they answer multiple choice questions and write responses based on what they learned. For the math component, students solve problems requiring multi-step solutions. Because the math questions involve real-life situations, students must utilize reasoning and logic rather than rote memorization and procedure. Additionally, the revised PARCC exams require students to show their work. So, teachers have an enhanced ability to evaluate and identify gaps in understanding and tailor instruction accordingly. PARCC scores are assigned based on performance levels. Students receive marks between Level 1 and Level 5 , with Levels 4 and 5 indicating that students are performing well. Scoring Level 3 means students need a little more help to meet expectations. A score of Level 1 or Level 2 suggests that students require significant intervention. Our Early Advising Program helps students in 9th and 10th grade discover their passions and build strong academic and extracurricular profiles to succeed in high school. Proponents of the PARCC system say that it offers numerous benefits for both students and administrators. One advantage of PARCC over other standardized tests is that it doesn’t just use multiple-choice questions that assess what a student has memorized. Instead, the tests require students to employ logic and reasoning to answer questions and justify their responses. In this way, the test is evaluating a student’s ability to think critically. Because PARCC focuses on applying skills rather than regurgitating information, some advocates argue that schools don’t have to â€Å"teach to the test† the way they do with other exams. Instead, educators can simply encourage students to think critically about all lessons. Of course, not everyone is a proponent of PARCC tests. In fact, many administrators argue that teachers do spend a great deal of time preparing students for the test—time that could be better spent on classroom instruction. Because many students have not encountered a standardized test like PARCC before, educators need to prepare them to answer the certain type and style of questions. And younger students in particular may need help learning to manage their time on a test like PARCC. Additionally, critics say that PARCC results in a great deal of stress for test takers. It’s no secret that many students suffer anxiety during testing. Because scoring at the lower levels on PARCC can have serious consequences, including being held back, students may feel even more worried about taking the exam. The strict testing environment, which limits student movement and behavior, can also be stressful for students. Finally, some PARCC critics believe that the test has an unfair impact on diverse and underprivileged students and their teachers. Because test scores tend to be lower in impoverished regions, critics fear that these results will be used to justify holding students back, firing teachers, and even closing underperforming schools. Have questions about PARCC or another form of standardized testing? At , we’re passionate about helping prepare students to get into the schools of their dreams. For more information on our services, call today or contact us for a free consultation.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Business Law - Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Business Law - Questions - Assignment Example The defendant informed the service provider that he was in no need of his services any longer and even rejected to compensate on 11th May. The service provider sued the defendant for breach of contract on 22nd May and the starting date of the contract was due on 1st June. The court ruled the decision in favouring the claimant as the defendant has breached the contract (Andrews, 2011, p.486). In case of tort law, a person is held responsible or is held accountable if he fails to exercise the duty of care in his operations. This means that a person is said to be tort liable if he has failed to rectify any foreseeable errors in his/her offerings. For example: In Willsher v Essex Area Health Authority case, an inexperienced doctor gave extra oxygen to a baby that was born prematurely, due to this, the baby lost one of his eye, the court held the doctor liable because the inexperienced doctor had to operate with same amount of care as an experienced doctor (Tuitt, 2004, p.44). In tort cas es, negligence holds great importance, if an individual wants to press charges against another individual, he should be able to prove that the individual was involved in conducting negligence. To succeed in a case of negligence, the person making the claim has to prove the defendant had a duty of care towards the person making the claim. ... Lastly, the person making the claim has to prove that due to the defendant’s negligence towards duty of care, the claimant experienced a loss. The claimant can only win the case only if he is able to prove that the loss was experienced due to defendant’s breach of duty and the loss could have been avoided if the defendant would have taken necessary actions. For example, in the case of Donoghue v Stevenson, Stevenson being the defendant was held responsible because of his negligence to carry out the duty of care, the person who made the claim, Mrs Donoghue, experienced health issues after drinking bottle of beer manufactured by the defendant and the decision even stated that the manufacturers duty is towards the ultimate consumer, thus, the ultimate consumer experienced loss and the manufacturer was considered responsible (Cooke, 2001, p.35). A business or an individual is said to be vicariously liable if he/she has a relationship according to law with the person or busi ness that has acted negligently and has caused harm. Such kinds of legal relationships include: relationship between and worker and the employer. Negligence included in vicarious liability is referred to as imputed negligence, one theory of liability pertaining to this kind of negligence is respondent superior, according to respondent superior employer is held responsible or liable for the acts of his/her employee as there is a relationship between the worker and the employer of agent and principle. This relationship refers to the relationship that states that an employee is acting on behalf of the employer and the employer will be held responsible if the employee

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Figurative Language versus Literal Language Essay - 11

Figurative Language versus Literal Language - Essay Example As an example, a person using an idiom would describe that another hung their head, which indicates a sadness or shame rather than the literal description of actually bowing a head downward. Misunderstanding might occur when a person unfamiliar with the common cultural meaning of a language is misconstrued, leaving them to believe a person is actually bending their head. The amphiboly is a type of fallacy, used to mislead the receiver. It is often used in political sciences as a means to persuade individuals of an intention while never actually providing clarity. As an example, this function in figurative language might be illustrated by a politician who indicates their goal is to argue with the Senate to provide changes. In reality, there is no argument occurring, rather following legitimate methods already in place to assist the constituency. Misunderstanding occurs when the receiver believes that there will be a verbal argument. The analogy occurs when comparisons are made, either in process or ideas, to something else entirely. As an example, the analogy would be used to suggest that a dirty animal stable has â€Å"enough work to kill a horse†. In this case, the converser or the writer is attempting to illustrate that it is difficult work, not to actually destroy a horse through the process of labor. An individual not acquainted with the familiar of culture and social lifestyle might believe that a horse will be slaughtered. A flame word is intended to prompt emotional response from the receiver to create an emotional response or retaliation against a principle or thought. The speaker or writer might indicate that a woman is â€Å"stubborn as a mule† to describe a poor disposition. Misunderstanding would not likely occur much when using flame words since the goal is to enflame the reader to respond accordingly. The metaphor occurs when comparisons are made to two objects or ideas that are actually similar in nature. To say that love

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Electronic gadgets and items Essay Example for Free

Electronic gadgets and items Essay I have come to a point in life that many people have not. I have made a firm decision to recommit myself to pursuing my dreams. While there are those who believe that with an ounce of luck and a ton of persistence anything can be accomplished, I believe that there is no reason to expend so much energy and rely on luck. Life is simply too short and too precious to be left to luck alone. After serious investigation and reflection I am convinced my educational goals will be far better achieved at Cornell University. My passion for engineering began at a more advanced stage in my life. I remember how I fascinated I was by electronic gadgets and items when I was in high school. I used to marvel at systems exhibiting complex movements, without an idea of the complexities involved. The broad range of motions they performed under vastly different conditions in contrast to the ease of control exhibited by the operator amazed me. I knew this was all engineering, and I knew it interested me. My intuitive nature wanted me to explore more about this field even more. Soon, I found myself attending lectures, seminars, counseling sessions and even searching for videos about engineering and other things about it. It was probably this that gave me my first thoughts about electrical and computer engineering; I, however, could not fathom that my future was headed in this direction. As the world continues to progress and new innovations are introduced daily, the role that electrical and computer engineering grows as well. Intelligence in systems is no longer a bleeding-edge technology hyped by its proponents and mistrusted by the mainstream. More and more areas of technology education—from life sciences to engineering—are embracing the tenets of the new technology, making it an increasingly mainstream concept. Scope of creativity and the trajectory of the growth Electrical and computer engineering has, influenced me to build a broader knowledge base at undergraduate level on the subjects which I have always enjoyed, from the high school levels physics and mathematics. This is the reason why I feel, I stand a good chance of finding a match for my desire and natural talent in this field. It has been said, however, that desire and natural talent are nothing if they cannot be harnessed properly. In order to harness these talents, I firmly believe that taking my major at Cornell would be the best way to achieve this. One of the many wonderful concepts I have learned from my parents is to strive for academic excellence while balancing life with other activities and contributions. It is this fine balance that I feel will be provided if I am accepted in this major at the Cornell University. I strongly feel that in order to reach my full potential I need to be in an environment that best caters to my interests and goals. I have learned from my parents two â€Å"laws†: the law of learning and the law of giving. I believe the more you learn the more open you become for learning. I am convinced this University is a great fit for â€Å"the law of learning. That is why I believe that this move is a crucial step for me. My success and my accomplishments here will herald the beginning of the fulfillment of my personal and professional goals. It is said that the one thing that nobody can ever take away from you is your education and that is the one thing that I plan to not only gain for myself but for others as well. I have learned from my parents the critical importance of the law of giving, and I am both attracted and committed to this model of community service, particularly that â€Å"students apply skills to effect social change. † Though I got perfect grades, my natural Instinct is what I value the most. Looking at Cornells school of electrical and computer engineering, I sense that my interests and talents will be best realized and developed throughout the way. a good teacher is someone whos really gone out of the way to engage a student it is comments and reviews like such from Cornells prestigious alumni which makes me believe that everyone in such a learning environment would care so much about growth of a student. This is my reason for pursuing this opportunity to become part of the rich academic environment that Cornell University has to offer. As the world continues to change and the workplace becomes more and more challenging and competitive, it becomes imperative for anyone looking for a successful career to not only have the drive to succeed but also the training and expertise to do so. I am not saying that I do not have the training and expertise at the moment but I do believe that there is still room for more. The world is fast becoming a borderless place. Cultures, races, beliefs and ideologies are blend together and interact because of the growing advances in communications. In order to succeed in this world, one needs to be able to adapt to the various cultural differences as well as be able to maintain a certain sense of individual identity. My former school did not have the same diversity that I see environment where cultural diversity is promoted. This is why I believe that this educational environment is the perfect place for me. Not only does this University exceed my expectations but it is also enjoys a global reputation. While I personally believe that â€Å"there is no such thing as a free lunch† and that everything a person has in life must come from hard work and perseverance, I also believe in charity. I believe in helping others who do not have much in life. I believe in helping people regardless of their nation, race or creed. I believe in being a better person so I can best help myself and others around me. I believe that this academic environment is the best place for me to turn these beliefs into realities. I am fully aware of the significance of being considered for acceptance, and I am sincerely grateful for your time and consideration of my application.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Capital Punishment Essay -- essays research papers

Societies all over the globe have been using capital punishment for thousands of years. It has always been considered a relatively cheap and effective way to punish the offender and effectively remove him or her from society. Although the methods of carrying it out have slowly gotten more humane over the centuries, it is still alive and well in modern culture. While capital punishment is the most extreme punishment imaginable, barring torture, it is also the most efficient and logical way to deal with many criminals today and their inexplicable crimes against humanity. It not only removes the criminal from society, helping to protect the rest of it’s citizens, but it also saves a large amount of tax dollars that would otherwise be spent on keeping the subject incarcerated for a long period of time. Yes, certain modern methods of capital punishment such as lethal injection may be expensive, considering the price of some of the chemicals and equipment used, but it is miniscule in comparison to the cost of paying for someone’s food, shelter, clothing, and other things for the next 50-60 years or so.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout history, traditional methods of execution have often been somewhat cruel and/or barbaric. In medieval Europe for example, subjects were often beheaded with a large battle ax. This proved to be somewhat inefficient and often put it’s victims through intense agony and suffering in their final living moments. Often times the exe... Capital Punishment Essay -- essays research papers Societies all over the globe have been using capital punishment for thousands of years. It has always been considered a relatively cheap and effective way to punish the offender and effectively remove him or her from society. Although the methods of carrying it out have slowly gotten more humane over the centuries, it is still alive and well in modern culture. While capital punishment is the most extreme punishment imaginable, barring torture, it is also the most efficient and logical way to deal with many criminals today and their inexplicable crimes against humanity. It not only removes the criminal from society, helping to protect the rest of it’s citizens, but it also saves a large amount of tax dollars that would otherwise be spent on keeping the subject incarcerated for a long period of time. Yes, certain modern methods of capital punishment such as lethal injection may be expensive, considering the price of some of the chemicals and equipment used, but it is miniscule in comparison to the cost of paying for someone’s food, shelter, clothing, and other things for the next 50-60 years or so.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout history, traditional methods of execution have often been somewhat cruel and/or barbaric. In medieval Europe for example, subjects were often beheaded with a large battle ax. This proved to be somewhat inefficient and often put it’s victims through intense agony and suffering in their final living moments. Often times the exe...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Leiningen Versus the Ants Essay

In any story, characters are made from an author, but they actually living in the story. They have their own particular traits that human has. People can be describe as many type of people by the traits they has, and just like the characters in the story can be describe as a type of person. In story â€Å"Leiningen versus the Ants† by Carl Stephenson was an example of shown that Leiningen a characters could be describe as a intelligent, respectable leader and a brave person. This story was basically about the battle between the human and the ants which can eat any thing up. It shows the human versus the nature too, Leiningen as the human, and the ants as the nature. Any way, one trait Leiningen has was intelligent. In the story the quote â€Å"Even here in this Brazilian wilderness, his brain had triumphed over every difficulty and danger it had so far encountered. †(p#1) shows Leiningen was smart because this quote had simplify he use his brain to limit to come of a plan and use it helping people. Also the quote â€Å"When I began this model farm and plantation three years ago, I took into account all that could conceivably happen to it† (p#1) exactly saying he is intelligent, because he made a model farm that mean he already have a plan three years ago, it hard for anyone to come of a plan so he is smart. Also he use only his mind to imagine out any thing could happen, he think of any possibility and add it to the plan. Another trait Leiningen been describe is respectable leader. In the story the quote â€Å"But so great was the Indian’s trust in Leiningen, in Leiningen’s words, and in Leiningen’s wisdom, that they received his curt tidings, and his orders for the imminent struggle, with the calmness in which they were given†(p#1) demonstrates because of Leiningen’s hard work on the plantation and receiving the challenge of ants. He has successfully amassed the support of the most resulting in his role as a leader for his people the Indians. People listen to him, they trust him, so in the quote they were calm. Also another quote show he was a respectable leader is â€Å"Such, indeed, was his aura of confidence that the Indians forgot their stupefied fear of the peril only a yard or two away. † (p#4) because Leiningen change the fear of his people, made them forgot the fear of the peril very near. If someone do that it only the one who lead the group. The Indians follow Leiningen even the feeling, this prove they trust in Leiningen, and start to being into one unity group with Leiningen as the head, the Indians as the other parts. The last trait describe Leiningen was that he was brave, in the story the quote â€Å"You’re insane! They’re not creatures you can fight—they’re an elemental—an ‘act of God! ’ Ten miles long, two miles wide—ants, nothing but ants! And every single one of them a fiend from hell; before you can spit three times they’ll eat a full-grown buffalo to the bones. †(p#1) phrase that scariness and dangerous of the ants, and how many of them. Also tell that Leiningen not afraid of them, still plan a plantation to stop them, he is brave. I beg any one heard of that much of ants be scared but not Leiningen, his brave get his way, he is brave enough to fight god. Another quote is â€Å"The moment I’m over the ditch, set fire to the petrol. That’ll allow time for the flood to do the trick. Then all you have to do is wait here all snug and quiet till I’m back. Yes, I’m coming back, trust me† (p#10) say that Leiningen has decided a very hard choice to scarify himself to flood away the terrify ants. But he stilled did even though it might lose his life, but he is brave enough to do it. In conclusion, story â€Å"Leiningen versus the Ants† by Carl Stephenson shows an example of characters in a story actually living in their, by their own personality, in a story character is a living person. Just like Leiningen, in the story he been described as a intelligent person, a respectable leader, and a brave person supported by his actions and thoughts. With all these traits he also could be view as a heroic person, because all he did is not a normal person can do. We should follow his footsteps to becoming a better person, to protect your love.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Giorgio Armani: Elegance Without Excess.

GIORGIO ARMANI: Elegance Without Excess. Giorgio Armani is a household name synonymous with not only style and design but also incredible corporate success and branding. The fashion house of Armani is reportedly the most financially successful Italy has ever produced. The master tailor first made headlines by redefining the rules of precision and reinventing the tailored jacket. For Armani, simplicity is key. This doesn’t only apply to his unparalleled craftsmanship and subtle ingenuity however, but also his image and personal life. Unlike many established designers, the name Giorgio Armani bears relatively little published material to his work, as well as no serious in-depth analysis of his aesthetic. Born in Picanza in 1934, there had always been early evidence of the Giorgio Armani prodigy. A sensitive and unusually fastidious child, Armani enjoyed a stable childhood in a hardworking middleclass family. His mother was a great influence in his life, as she dressed elegantly but disdained fashion. It was not surprising to learn that her favourite colours were cream, white, taupe and grey – colours that we know today represent signature Armani. He completed his studies at the University of Bologna, after which he took a job as an assistant window dresser, and then a fashion buyer, in 1954. In 1960s, he worked at menswear company Nino Cerruti as a designer, where he developed his knowledge and understanding of tailoring, fabrics and production. It was a decade later that he met Sergio Galeotti, his partner, with whom he launched his first collection. A pioneer of the fashion industry of the 20th century in many respects, Giorgio Armani himself is the epitome of etiquette, poise and grace – highly reflective in his designs. The Armani loyalty began with the design of the menswear tuxedo, applauded for its timeless elegance and superb fit. To wear Armani was to reflect self-confidence, power, and elegant ease. To many, it represents a status symbol. Despite this haute position in luxury, Giorgio Ar mani did not design for the traditional, and his designs were far from untouchable. He was in fact highly adamant in the notion of wearability, and the importance of being in tune with the times. He considers it an achievement to design clothes for everyday, as that’s how he believes fashion should be in relation to its consumer – accessible, and comfortable. A signature Armani garment should not only portray elegance, but also comfort. Armani gained his fame as he challenged the ideas of rigid jackets – as well as rigid ideals. He redesigned the menswear blazer so that it patterned much simpler, with no lining, no padding, and most importantly, no stiffness. He also extended its length, slimming lapels and creating baggy pockets to give a more modern, refined illusion. As the popularity of signature Armani skyrocketed, so did his reputation and following. It was not long before women were insistent for these menswear elements in their clothing; thus was born the Giorgio Armani Womenswear line. He deconstructed the man’s jacket and reconstructed it on the more curvaceous lines of a womens body, offering the working woman (a new concept at the time) a symbiosis of understatement and sensuality, femininity and power-dressing. Timing was perfect. People were overcoming the â€Å"Flowerpower† phase and Armani facilitated the gap by giving women clothing that was more adapted to the future. It was Armani that developed the concept of androgyny. Armani, quite plainly, redefined early ready to wear with his radically simplistic ideas. He contrasted overdramatized French fashion with more classic Italian fashion, claiming that wome n need a lot less in their clothing these days. The Armani vision was to eliminate the superfluous, emphasize the comfortable, and stress the harmony of the most essential details – in design, materials as well as cut. With his debut of WRTW he intended to create clothing that truly reflected the lives of the women who wear it – real women. Before Giorgio Armani, fashion was constricted, not easy, and outdated. In the world of Mr. Armani, practical and co mfortable are two words that remains an illustration of important fashion prerequisites. Through his childhood Armani had developed a love of textiles. He thus emphasized the importance of quality fabrics. Leather, linen, silk and textural weaves became inherent in his designs. The Armani colour palette rom birth has always been a combination of understated sophistication, bearing a predominant blend of muted and neutral hues. Fascinated by fabrics, he consistently played with the notions of masculinity and femininity. His craftsmanship was immaculate, and he eventually reigned in the indulgence and luxury of eveningwear. The 1970s proved to be a year of success for Armani, as it was around this time that his designs were first brought into the U. S via Barneys New York. His success in the city that never sleeps cemented his future. While Europe was still set on traditional ideals, the American consumer was significantly more open-minded and experimental. Till today, Giorgio Armani says that the American woman was his first client, as his silhouette depicted the casual feeling of American tailoring and fabrication. By 1999, the Giorgio Armani brand had 250 stores on five continents. His knack for business led him to lead the company on a more corporate wavelength. Armani today comprises of several lines, 9 fragrances, and a range of licenses in products from watches to umbrellas. Many of the lines Armani designs for are run rather commercially, where he bases much creativity according to the market. Regardless, Giorgio Armani consistently manages to maintain his design and style philosophy while simultaneously keeping fresh and current. Despite evolving trends and commercial/market demand, Armani has always been loyal to his elegant, timeless aesthetic. While he acknowledges fashion, he is not dominated by the need of novelty in every collection – and remains a critique of the flamboyancies and increased sexuality of the works of his industry peers. The key to his inspiration behind each collection was â€Å"renewal without rejecting the past†. Despite his love for the simplistic 30s and 40s, an era he was always influenced by, he began to play with various ethnicities and cultures in his designs. Giorgio Armani was always fascinated by the orient, fond of the pureness, colours and hues of the Japanese culture. He believes that touches of ethnicity soften the rigidity of a garment, adding to his vision of a women’s relationship to her clothes – the fulfillment of a dream.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

University of Michigan Application for MBA †Example Essay

University of Michigan Application for MBA – Example Essay Free Online Research Papers University of Michigan Application for MBA Example Essay 1. What has been your most significant professional achievement? What has been your toughest professional challenge and how did you address it?(500 words) After graduation in 19xx, I was granted job offers from big 4 enterprises including xxx. Nevertheless, I entered the xxx, one of the leading companies in Korea in the field of international marketing. I was stationed at the export department in charge of xxx. During that time, the trading companies in Korea were in the middle of making research on availability of the so-called ‘positioning’ technique. That is, it was related to the prediction of the market tendency of the cargo to sell and purchase in timely manner. Despite the mandatory period of time for about 3-4 years to become a person in charge of one item in the trade department, I have visited xxx, xxx in Japan in order to check the data after I had worked for three months. That’s because I was highly recognized for my outstanding ability to conduct the business for standardized price variable and controls over the exchange rate fluctuation in order to reach the rational conclusion in an objective manner when I made a decision on the international oil price fluctuation and announced the research on the case of position deal such as xxx and xxx, which are the materials of xxx. After all, it became to be a source of research in the company. Based on my outstanding job performance, I was officially appointed as a person in charge of exporting the cargo of xxx, xxx whose annual turnover came up to x million dollars on the average. As a result, we were placed at the top in terms of sales in Korea because the sales in xxx sector revealed the increase of xxx% in 19xx compared to that of last year. In addition, the net profit has been increased around xxx %, compared to that of last year after I took in charge of this sector. Therefore, I became the main source of jealousy from my seniors and fellow workers. In addition, on May in 19xx, we were awarded about x million dollars worth of Tender under my supervision, which xxx Authority under xxx Government started in the process as World bank loan was made, beating 17 companies such as xxx, xxx and Japanese companies. Therefore, I was selected as the employer of the year in the trade department by achieving net profit of about xxx$ by delivering pre-positioned cargo from domestic industries. When I was recognized as ‘the employee of the year’ in the department of trade in 19xx at xxx. thanks to the affirmative introduction of the position skill, my colleagues took my potential success as a trader for granted. Thus, the interview with the general manager for the transfer to the new field to which I had never been before was a great shock to my fellow workers. When I got the proposal of scout from international marketing team, a brand-new department in xxx, I considered Which factor would be more favorable to my potential career among good success as a trader, high annual salary, and the acquisition of knowledge on the field of international market analysis. I am a kind of risk-taker based on the rational calculation on the side of the so-called ‘Frontierism’. The sense of challenge as a risk taker rather than simple decision-making such as ‘High risk, High return’ serves as basis for my decision-making procedure. Since the international marketing team, a brand-new department in xxx was so risky due to no base for every task, I assessed my analysis ability and experience that I had obtained in the process of task as an analyst would be essential element for the establishment and management of specialized trading firm, my long-term goal. In return, my role as an analyst was successful. Due to vigorous efforts of my colleagues and me, it was possible to introduce the business policies of xxx and xxx into the mainstream of business policy of xxx. In this regard, I am proud of its crucial role of decision-making procedure in terms of business policy. 2. Describe your post-graduation career plans. How you’re your education,experience,and development to date support those plans? How will an MBA from the University of Michigan Business School help you attain your goals? (500 words) In 2007, I might be in the middle of wrestle with my brain in terms of purchasing conditions such as local buyer, price, and market in the Bulk cargo-trading firm. I might have to decide how the change in the market will happen and also how the decision-making procedure should vary. My short-term goal is to conduct the business as a trading manager who can analyze current situation of market, grasp the tendency of future, and make accurate decision as well as to maintain and develop the flow of efficient business with all the partners in East Asia including Korea. My long-term goal is to establish a professional trading company, introducing new selling technique based on a cutting-edge mechanism such as Internet Web Site. To the best of my belief, I am confident that my experience for the past 5 years will serves as great help achieving my goal. During the xxx, I learned the technique such as bridge loan, project finance, and risk hedge in the field of international finance as well as international marketing utilizing positioning in the field of international trade. In addition, I have analyzed the market price and the factors of demand fluctuation such as exchange rate occurred in international deal and the oil price. In terms of international business, a variety of skills in reference to the management skill and negotiation skill as well as global way of thinking obtained in the xxx Seminar held in xxx in April 19xx will be great basis for the potential and quality in the upcoming future. Since the January of 19xx, I have been in charge of collecting and analyzing the data on the Asian xxx market for the most part for 3 years, moving into the department of international marketing, which was newly built in xxx. During that time, I was able to enhance the capability related to the decision- making procedure through data analysis and the establishment of follow-up measures. Meanwhile, I helped the executives, who were stuck on the concept of traditional decision-making procedures, face the changes in business environment more positively by serving up continuous analysis on the business policy of advanced companies such as xxx, xxx, which were world leading companies. While working at xxx for about 3 years, I have improved my capability to conduct business based on a rational decision through my main work of the collecting and analyzing the market data. I learned the role as a member of our team and a coordinator in the sense that we can create synergy effect that might go beyond each and every one’s ability based on the teamwork. It is clear that only those who possess the well-balanced capability both in academic and practical context along with accurate prospect for the future are likely to survive in the sharp whirlpool of future economy. Along with the necessity of lifelong education, the rapid change in the environmental factors in worldwide economy, as you might see in the IMF economic crisis in Korea at the end of 1997, expedites my desire for the pursuit of MBA program. Based on this decision, I chose University of Michigan for the following reasons: First, small-scale classroom and small group interactions that University of Michigan provides is the primary reason why I apply for. I will be able to learn the process of reaching the conclusion with reference to the specific theme based on the close interpersonal relationship with classmates and faculty at your school. In addition, the process that I will have learned at your class will serve as the basis for practical business in the future. My colleagues and I will be able to learn the importance of cooperation in supportive environment that University of Michigan will provide. Moreover, a variety of ethnicity of my colleagues will enhance my global perspective. Secondly, University of Michigan will help me achieve a series of processes such as strategic pursuing, negotiation skill, finalizing business deals with the limited data in an efficient manner. In this context, I believe it will be great basis to establish and manage a trading company, which is my long-term aspiration. Besides, I am confident that case-base approach, team field project, and computer simulations that University of Michigan provides will serve up highly efficient standards in terms of the solution to the problem in actual business practice. Third, the program of University of Michigan will serve as a decisive role in cultivating leadership in terms of the role not only as a manager on the spot in the short term, but also a leader in the establishment of a trading firm in the long term. I strongly believe that it is quite clear when it comes to every single achievement of graduates of University of Michigan in each company. 3. Describe a failure or setback in your life.How did you overcome this setback?What,if anything,would you do differently if confronted with this situation again?(500 words) On December 7th in 19xx, I had serious conflicts with a general manager in our department as hard as I should consider the resignation as a last option when our vessel heading for the xxx with x million dollar’s worth of xxx was caught on the rock. Through this experience, I realized the important fact that the role of leader is basically the coordination of the group rather than the implementation for the purpose of obedience. In this case, I also experienced the fact that leadership is derived from the fairest judgment by collecting and analyzing information after the accurate evaluation of the situation. At that time, I had conflicts with my general manager in terms of the benefit in the future and the cost at the present. This experience put me into an ethical dilemma between the ethical responsibility of the company and the pursuit of interest. During that time, the team head and I had conflicts in various aspects such as potential gain, present loss, the commitment to the integrity in terms of contracts. The net profit in a xxx trading was about xxx$ worth, whereas it required xxx$ worth of expense to pay for the repair in place of missing ship owner after declaring general average. In the situation in which there was more possibility for ship owner to declare bankruptcy, I powerfully insisted on managing all business in the burden of our company because I judged that there was grand anxiety to lose long-term customers and moral commitment to conduct the contract with due integrity if we spent more time. General manager, however, avoided making a decision which could serve as major damage in his career. Therefore he was wasting lots of time by ignoring my opinion although I was in charge of the matter. As a consequence, we were able to deliver the xxx to the buyer in xxx after refilling the vessel under the instruction of the boss who recognized the seriousness of situation through the interview with me around 5 months later. Since then, however, Buyer in xxx got our firm to disqualify in the same bid in 19xx, which produced serious conflicts as to who was to blame inside the firm. It is self-evident fact that the enterprise is in pursuit of its interest. Therefore, the team head has good reason to emphasize the aspect of Profit Cost in decision-making process. Yet, it is much more important to enhance the credibility in the long term and secure the long-term contractors by accomplishing the commitment rather than pursue the short-term profit. That is the main lesson that I obtained from this case. No matter what is big or small problem, we are always in the situation where to find out the solution, and meet a great turning point in life by what decision we make. I found the impor tant lesson from this case in the sense that the decision was not performed by the same fixed standard in every situation. In addition, it required accurate judgment of situation, the rational assessment of one’s own capability, and the bold determination for the purpose of more desirable decision-making procedure. 4-b.What ’s the most creative solution to a problem or situation you ’ve ever developed?(500 words) Many contingent problems arise in the process of making contract and delivery in international trade. Sometimes, additional terms and conditions, which were not part of original contract, are inevitably added and various unacceptable demands are requested later on. Once, I contacted buyer to make confirmation about the vessel chartering in order to deliver the xxx to the xxx in April 19xx. At that time, the chartered ship was made in Korea, meeting every single condition required in the contract. That’s why I thought there would be no problem in getting confirmation. Out of the blue, however, the buyer suspected the quality of Korean ship and asked for xxx ship as a substitute, denying the vessel confirmation. As a result of investigation on the buyer through various sources, some importers in xxx experienced the damage in cargo transported by Korean ship. Therefore, the buyer didn’t seem to trust the quality of Korean ship and the technology of shipbuilding in Korea. R ather he argued that he would reject the vessel confirmation on a continual basis as long as we wouldn’t transport the cargo by xxx ship. Moreover, the buyer seemed to make claims as a last option. In effect, in the vicinity of Korea, there was no xxx ship that could meet the xxx of delivery during that time. Korea has been competing with Japan for the top in terms of the number of shipbuilding contracts, which means the competitiveness in price and the technology of shipbuilding in Korea is in the realm of the top-notch quality. As far as my conviction goes, it was a hidden intention of coming down the cost of contract to suspect the technology of shipbuilding in Korea. I sent to the buyer the data on the number of shipbuilding contracts in Korea as of 19xx, the table comparing the figure of Japan with that of Korea, and 500 won worth of Korean bill in the 1960’s. In addition, I accounted for the meaning of ‘Geobookseon’ (turtle ship) portrayed on the bill in the sense that it was the first and foremost steel ship in the world designed by the General Lee, Soon-Shin when Japan invaded Korea in 16th century. In addition, Korea was able to get the better of Japan thanks to the ‘Geobookseon’ (turtle ship). Based on my further explanation, the buyer was impres sed by the early development of the shipbuilding technology in Korea. Therefore, he faxed me that he would confirm the Korean ship. The lesson that I obtained in this case is that creative idea rather than accurate figures or specific data could serve as much better solution to the problem from time to time. Research Papers on University of Michigan Application for MBA EssayDefinition of Export QuotasPETSTEL analysis of IndiaThe Project Managment Office SystemAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaTwilight of the UAWBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductResearch Process Part OneIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalOpen Architechture a white paper

Monday, November 4, 2019

Case Note Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Case Note - Essay Example Job characteristics theory is a working design with a set of principles for job enriching in organizations. Job characteristics theory has five major aspects of address including motivation, satisfaction, performance, absenteeism, and turnover. The scenario at DrainFlow in which employee dissatisfaction is a common occurrence, the employees should be given incentives as motivation for every good performance and an encouragement to other employees to work harder. Additionally, the duties of the order processors and the billing agents need to merge to ensure that customer issues are addressed from a single department. Such would prevent employee dissatisfaction from customer complaints. Indeed, Reynaldo has little clue on the implementation of cash reward system. In the current scenario at DrainFlow, proves very tedious for the implementation of the system considering that different departments handle customers at different levels and, therefore determining which employee to reward would be ideally a tough task. In order for effective implementation of the cash reward system, it is significantly important that all the departments operate from a common command center. In such a setting, a customer will deal with a particular employee from the time the customer submits a plumbing problem, sending of a plumber, and making payments all occur from a common pull. Such a way would ensure an easy track of the best-performing employees and worthy of a reward. Financial incentives are indeed a better way of rewarding best-performing employees for the success of an organization. The advantages associated with financial incentives includes increased performance among employees as a means of getting the financial incentives and recognizing of employee priorities and work on the areas of under-performance. Financial incentives also have its disadvantages such as the genesis of division among employees, especially

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Marketing debate and discussion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing debate and discussion - Research Paper Example It is also satisfactory to the marketer by meeting marketing objectives. Nevertheless, as the above definition holds, other people criticize the process of marketing as to creating unnecessary needs and wants. Promotion services offered during marketing are always meant to attract many customers and give the company higher sales than the competitors. However, as Mattsson puts it, companies fail when they raise the expectations of the consumers beyond what they can actually provide. This raises the cost of marketing, and as a result of failure to deliver; more efforts are required to counter and correct the effect of the former promotion by both the marketer as well as the consumers (Mattsson 11-14). To meet specific customer expectations and or the failure to satisfy them may also translate to spending more by the customer. The successes of all marketing procedures highly depend on training and the competency of the marketing team and this as well translates to extra cost and need to the company. Therefore, marketing can be rightly seen to satisfy and cr eate needs, both to the marketer and to the target group. Mission statement for an organization is usually a theme that is well deliberated on as to how the business and operations relate to the customers, employees, management and the ownership structure of the enterprise. Mission statements are very essential to any organization as they aid in marketing through the following three ways; shows how a marketing plan fulfills the mission of marketing as pertains to the overall organizations mission, assists in a clear manner of evaluating the performance of marketing procedures and designs and guides implementation of a marketing plan (Anon 5). Mission statements have been found to have little or at times no disparity between similar organizations or departments. On customer targeting, marketing in particular may opt for age. Marketers usually have

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Freehold covenants are too easy to impose upon land and too difficult Essay

Freehold covenants are too easy to impose upon land and too difficult to remove - Essay Example The law pertaining covenants entered between freeholders which is known as freehold covenants symbolises the manner in which one landowner may impact or control the use of adjoining or neighbouring land. A freehold covenant has both an advantage and an onus in respect of two estates in land owned by different individuals. Thus, covenants symbolise another form of proprietary duty, despite one that obliges its origin to the curative authority of courts of equity. (Dixon 2011:313). A freehold covenant may be explained as promises made through a deed (covenants) between freeholders where one contracting party guarantees to carry out or not to do some actions on the land owned by them for the advantage of adjoining land. For instance, owner of property A promises to the owner of property B not to do some kind of business or trade on his (A’s) land or where the owner of a property X promises to owner of property Y not to construct a wall over above a certain height or without getting approval from the owner of the property Y. The landowner who makes a promise on behalf of his land is known as covenantor (where the onus lies) and the property owner to whom such promise is made is known as covenantee and his land is where the benefit lies. In most of the cases, covenants between freeholders are negative or restrictive in nature, which prevents the owner of the land to do certain things in his own land. (Dixon 2011:313). The land with an advantage under a freehold covenant is known as dominant land where the land with the disadvantage is identified as the servient land. (Holmes 2005:157). Analysis Privity of Contract In a land deal, there will be a contract between the original parties (buyer & seller) and these original parties to the contract under the common law principle of privity of contract, the party with a benefit can be able to implement the promise or covenant against the party with the burden. In case of a land contract deal, the subject matter is not rest with the original parties to the contract whereas in the majority of the other contract deals, the subject matter rests with the original contracting parties. In land contracts, there is every possibility of passing the property to their legal heirs or successors either by gift or by inheritance or by sale. (Morris 1999:6). Under the privity of contract principle, the burden associated with a land cannot be passed on whereas a benefit a ttached to it can be passed on to the successor. Hence, the successor to the owner of a land with a burden cannot be compelled to enforce the covenant by the successor to the owner of the land with the benefit covenants attached to it. (Morris 1999:6). In conveyancing a freehold land or property which has a positive covenant which demands the buyer to maintain the land or premises by carrying out repair as and when necessary, which can be only implemented by â€Å"privity of contract between the original buyer and the seller.† Once the property is disposed off, the vendor who insisted with a covenant may not be interested in such property’s covenants. There will be no virtual advantage or incentive to implement the covenant just to help those still residing in the adjoining areas. Even if the seller remains there and if the buyer disposes the land to a third party, then† no privity of contract will be existing between the new buyer and the original vendor.† Further, under the principle of privity of estate, as pertinent to promises or covenants included in transfer of freehold land or property, the burden will not pass on to the buyer, and it would not be probable to enforce the promise against the new purchaser directly.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Blacks Leisure Group plc (BLG) Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Blacks Leisure Group plc (BLG) - Case Study Example It was Peter Farquhar who articulated that "a brand is a name, symbol, design, or mark that enhances the value of a product beyond its functional purpose" (Farquhar 1989). This gave rise to the brand equity's subsequent definition as the "added value with which a brand endows the product." (Farquhar 1989). In 1991 David Aaker put forth the model of Brand Equity in his seminal work "Managing Brand Equity" (1991). The model stipulates that brand equity is founded on five dimensions that of brand loyalty, name awareness, perceived quality, brand associations and other proprietary brand assets. Of the five brand equity elements, the basic four elements will be the subject of this discourse that will attempt to apply the principles of brand equity to Blacks Leisure Group's current market situation. This report will attempt to discuss the subjects of Brand Loyalty and how Blacks can begin to fully appraise the status of its core market's willingness to support the brand vis--vis the many market and economic fluctuations; the subject of Brand Name Awareness and how Blacks can continue to perpetuate its top-of-mind status in the outdoor sporting goods and lifestyle business; the subject of Perceived Quality and how Blacks can improve on its product attributes which can make or break its "specialist" status in the outdoor sporting goods category; and finally, the subject of Brand Associations which is ever more important these days in the face of stiff competition, environmental pressures and increasing consumer awareness that exacts nothing less than the best of what a company can offer and give back to the various communities and stakeholders it impacts on. CASE BACKGROUND With its stock publicly traded at the London Stock exchange and enjoying, there is no arguing that Blacks has been enjoying enthusiastic public support over the last 10 years. In fact, there is no denying that Blacks is one of United Kingdom's leading retail sportswear and sporting goods groups and the largest specialty outdoor retailer. Innovation, style and technology and a demonstrated passion for providing a range of outdoor clothing and equipment at great value for money remain Blacks Outdoor's hallmark in the industry. The company operates 427 stores under seven company-owned and managed retail chains across the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. Its Sports & Fashion division includes the First Sport chain, the AV (Active Lifestyle) chain, and the company's newest store concept, Pure Women, the company's first attempt to target specifically the women's sportswear and sports fashions category. Its Outdoor division features the company's original store format, Blacks Outdoor, buttressed by the company's acquisition of U.K. outdoor sporting goods leader The Outdoor Group--which included the Millets chain of family-oriented sporting goods stores and the higher-end Air and youth-oriented Free Spirit retail chains. Though it had to cut back on its Wholesaling division, after the sale of the company's Fifa UK license back to Italian parent Fifa International in 2000, Blacks still enjoys

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Types of tourism

Types of tourism P1–Describe the travel and tourism component industries and provide examples of domestic, inbound and outbound organisations within them. Inbound Tourism: Tourists (non-residents) coming into a country e.g. The French coming into the UK. Outbound Tourism: People leaving their country for another country e.g. Russians going over to China. Domestic Tourism: Residents of one country travelling within it e.g. New Yorker travels to Los Angeles. Accommodation: Its the place you stay at for your holiday or tour; accommodations can be both serviced and non-serviced, serviced is when the room or place youre going to stay at is fully furnished and provided with cooking facilities, fresh meals, modern technology such as a flat screen TV and internet (Wi-Fi). For instance the Hilton hotels has its network in 78 countries across 6 continents[1]. The Hilton hotels are highly branded, stylish with excellent services, having over 92 years of experience proving their professionalism. Even the guest room itself has an original design which is well organised and undoubtedly accommodating. Thus inbound and outbound tourism would use serviced accommodation. On the other hand, non-serviced means only the accommodation itself is provided; the Sykes cottages organisation has over 5,000 cottages across the UK and Ireland. Nearly three decades of experience[2] indicates the companys efficiency and credibility. Therefore non-serviced accommodation would be use d for domestic tourism. Transport Provision: Irrespective of your destination, transport will be essential to get there; regardless of its form whether its by air, rail, road or sea. To get to and from your destination and around to explore the area coach or car travel is recommended. Coach travel are offering low cost prices if the tickets are booked in advance. Megabus offers prices as low as  £1. National Express is one of the largest coach companies that travel to more than 900 destinations across the UK[3]. Over the last 50 years, car travel has grown rapidly and it is by far the most popular type of transport used by the tourists in Britain. There are a variety of different worldwide companies, such as Avis that specialise in private car hire. Therefore both coach and car travel is suitable for domestic tourism. Rail travel is a more environmentally friendly mode of travelling. Virgin trains is a very popular train company that is popular with the tourists. Virgin trains have been around for over 15 years[4] therefore t hey are one of the most experienced train companies around Britain. Virgin trains travel all over the country. Thus rail travel being used for domestic tourism too. When travelling by sea, its usually by ferries or cruising. Ferry companies operate services between the UK and Ireland, France, Belgium and a few other destinations. For example PO Ferries, Irish Ferries and Stenaline. Since the Channel Tunnel was opened in 1994, ferry services have fallen dramatically[5]. However, cruising is also a type of travel using the sea and it is growing steadily and it is attracting lots off different types of tourists. In the past, cruising was seen more for the rich, famous and the elderly but cruising today, it is attracting families, young people and groups of people. Royal Caribbean Cruises is an example of a cruise service. This company holds the largest cruise ship ever built[6]. Sea travel would be used for all three types of tourism; inbound, outbound and domestic. Air travel is the most popular type of travel used all over the world. This includes; scheduled–planes that operate to a published timetable. These planes have to follow routes and they are under government licence e.g. British Airways or the low-costs such as Ryanair. Tickets purchased from the companys website, operating year round[7]. Charter–an airline ticket for a charter flight will be purchased from a tour operator. In this way, charter flights differ from scheduled flights, generally operate only during the summer months (May to October) or November to April for ski flights. Tour operators who put holiday packages together will charter or lease an aircraft from an airline such as Monarch or Thompson. Air travel is to be considered mostly for inbound and outbound tourism. Ancillary Services: Ancillary services are all the extras that come along side a holiday that tourists may need. These are things such as; travel insurance, foreign exchange, airport parking, car hire, luggage check-in, tour guiding, equipment hire, passport and visa services. Without Ancillary Services the holiday wouldnt be complete. Many Travel Agents offer ancillaries to their clients and they make good commission on these products and services. Eurochange is the foreign exchange expert within the UK, which will allow tourists to exchange their currency with outstanding rates, one of the best foreign exchange companies in the UK such as The Money Shop. Therefore making their holiday alot cheaper; suits the inbound and outbound tourism. Tour Operators: A Mass Market tour operator are companies such as Thomas Cook and Thomson who deal with any type of holiday and they are able to arrange packages that suit the customers. A mass market tour operator also supplies their customers with accommodation, transfers, transport and extra services. Specialist operators are businesses such as Cox and Kings. These type of tour operators are a lot more personal to the customer. This is because these tour operators are able to cater and specialise to what the tourists interest are for example, someone wants to go on a cycling holiday, they can tell the operator what they want in their holiday and the operators can do their best to satisfy the customers needs. Attractions: The tourist boards have estimated that there are around 6,400 tourist attractions in the UK. In the travel and tourism sector, attractions are vital as they are what attracts all the tourists from around the world. The Lake District is one of the popular natural attractions in the UK[8], a natural attraction is an attraction that has been created by nature. Many of these areas have been given a status to protect their environment and provide facilities so that the public can enjoy the sights. There are attractions such as caves, waterfalls, seashores and any other scenic view interest that havent been created by mankind. Attractions that are old and have been in place for many years and are now historical–heritage attractions. These are attractions such as canals, railways, battlefields. These attractions are in place so that people can gain an appreciation of the past. The Stone Henge is a popular hertiage attraction owned by English Heritage and is Located in Wiltshire. Purpose-built attractions–attractions that have been built purposely to attract tourist into that area. When people hear the term tourist attraction it makes people think automatically about the purpose-built attractions that are fun and enjoyable and designed for many different reasons. In the UK there are many purpose-built tourist attractions like Blackpool Pleasure Beach, Buckingham Palace and Alton Towers. Events–attractions that attracts tourists to the area. These are small events like the Blackpool Illuminations or huge events like the Olympics and the Paralympics. Events play a significant part in the tourist attractions because in different parts of the country, some places cant offer a large amount of natural or purpose-built attractions therefore the events may be the only reason people visit that certain area. Also Events bring in a lot of income which creates jobs and wealth in the area. Tourism development and Promotion: Tourist boards play an important role by helping destinations and co-ordinating the work of tourism businesses. Tourist boards get their money from the government (National and Local) and it is said to operate in the public sector. Public sector bodies play an important role in Travel and Tourism the UK, because they promote tourism and attract domestic and inbound tourists to the UK this in return will create income and jobs for local business and have a positive effect on the GDP. Tourist boards are websites such as Visit Bolton, Visit England etc. These websites show people who are visiting that area what is happening during the period of time they are there and when and where the events and occasions are taking place. These websites give you information locally, nationally and regionally. National–either a day trip of for a short break away. For example, the Visit Scotland website has information about the events that are taking place in Scotland and it also has their time and place that it is taking place. The national websites are usually available in a variety of different languages which means they are accessible for visitors from overseas who want to find out information about the UK. Local–local destinations such as the Visit Bolton website. This website provides information such as train and bus times, events, accommodation around Bolton and also in Bolton there would be a Tourist Information Centre that would help out the tourists. Finally, Regional–websites such as Visit Englands North West. This would be helpful for people who are overseas and they want to come and visit an area like the North West of England, it would give them information about what happens around this area and what type of activities and events are held in the Lake District. Trade associations and Regulatory bodies: A trade association is an organisation which works in the shared interests for either a particular industry or the customers in general; the difference between ATOL and ABTA is that they both exist for different kinds of operators. ATOL stands for Air Tour Operators Licence. ATOL is managed by the CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) and it is for the tour operators selling flights. ABTA stands for Association of British Travel Agents. ABTA is for the tour operators who aren’t involved with selling flights[9]. AITO is another association. This stands for Association of Independent Tour Operators. AITO was set up for the smaller travel companies[10]. These companies are in place just in case anything goes wrong whilst you are on holiday, all your money is protected. Also if any of the companies go bust whilst you are away, you will be refunded and brought home by the relevant organisation. If a tourist books a holiday through a company which is a member of AITO or bonded by ABTA they can be sure that the company is reliable and if the company should suffer from financial problems they will be protected. The traveller would be brought home from their holiday if the company failed whilst they were away. Travel Agents: Retail travel agent–advise people when they are travelling, about different hotels around the area they are travelling to and about the weather conditions and the different currency exchange. Business travel agent–travel services for companies, they focus mostly on short notice trips where the timing of the flight is alot more important than the price of the flight for the tourist. Call Centre travel agent–sells products over the phone and every day they have to reach a certain number of sales they make per day. Web Based travel agent–sells holidays over the internet. An example of these websites would be Expedia. This website allows you to create your own holiday trip and also looks at hotels and other extras that you might want with your holiday. [1] Hilton Hotels | [2] Sykes Cottages | [3] National Express | [4] Virgin trains | [5] Opening of Channel Tunnel causes ferry services to drop | [6] Allure of the Seas largest cruise ship | [7] Ryanair operating year round | [8] Natural Attractions | | [9] ABTA | [10] AITO |